Chapter 5: Its All Happening

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Marinette's POV

"How old are you two?"

This question threw me off guard. Of course I knew how old I was but I didn't know Chats age. If either me or him answered this would be the first really personal thing we know about each other. I turned to chat and he had a shocked look on his face. He looked at me and saw my hesitation, then he spoke up, "fifteen sir."

Now I had a shocked look on my face. We were the same age. I guess that was kinda not a surprise but still. Then I turn back to the two, my face still in shock, "me too." I said.

Once more I look back at Chat and his face is once more in shock. I turn back once more. I guess our surprise and shock were worrying Nezu because he asked, "why do you look so shocked at each other's answers?"

I hesitated with my answer so Chat spoke up, "Because, sir, M'lady insisted that we don't tell each other our identities." He said. He had his energy back. The chat I knew was showing.

"And why is that?" Aizawa asks. I spoke up without hesitation and said, "It was for each other's protection." I said it more confidently then I have said anything today. It scared me... I guess I was getting more comfortable around these people.

"Okay, well here you two our safe so you may have to reveal yourselves, but more on that later on." Nezu said, " but I have to ask, " he pauses, " what are your quirks?"

"Quirks?" I say super confused.

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