Chapter 13: Evolution

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Adrien POV

I woke up feeling different, I don't know what it was. I look to find myself in the same bed Marinette as in earlier. I look around and she is in the chair next to me, passed out.

"Ah, so you're finally awake. " said Recovery Girl. "You've been out all night. " I look out the window to see the sun coming up.

"What happened?"

"Basically the same thing that happened to Marinette. " she said. "You passed out as soon as you walked outside, with an odd energy flowing through you. But it wasn't like hers... yours felt... different"

That's not what she told me. Why did she lie to me?

'Maybe because she wanted not to worry you, kid.' I heard Plagg say.

Yeah, I guess... but she should have said something. A wave of sadness came over me, but it was brief. I understood why she did it, I just wished... she hadn't.

Recovery Girl interrupted my thoughts. "Well now that you're awake you two can leave. "

"Okay, thanks for taking care of us." I said with a smile. I turned to Marinette to wake her up.

"No problem, it's my job." She said, "But in all my years, I've never seen anyone like you two." Just then Marinette sat up looking at me.

"Yay, you're up." She said in a tired tone.

"We should get back to the dorms." I say. She nodded in agreement and she got up. We both walked out,but before we could get on the other side of the doorway,

"And please," Recovery Girl said from behind us. We turn to face her. "I don't want to see you two in here today because you passed out again."

"Yes ma'am." I say and we leave. As we are walking I am having an internal conflict with myself.... or maybe Plagg, I'm not sure.

Should I confront her about lying to me?

'No kid, just let it go... you would have done the same thing in her situation.'

No I wouldn't.

'Yes you would have! The only difference is, she would have figured out that you were lying.' I guess he's right about that, so I decided to let it go... I guess.

Once we get back to the dorm everyone is there asking how I was. I guess Marinette came back and told them about what happened to me.

"Dude why'd you pass out?" I heard Kirishima ask.

"Same reason Marinette did." I say rubbing the back of my head. "It was all the stress."

Marinette's POV

Flashback (the night before)


I barged into Recovery Girls room with Adrien on my back.

"Back so soon?" She says looking at me and the passed out boy on my back. She sighs

"Bring him over here." She says pointing to the bed I woke up on. I set him down gently on the bed. I looked up to Recovery Girl who was next to him.

"What are you going to do now?" I ask. All of a sudden her lips extended to Adriens forehead. It looked weird. I'm guessing it's her quirk. She takes a moment then turns to me.

"He's fine," she said.

"What's wrong with him?"

"By the feel of it, it was the same thing that happened to you... just different."

"Different?" I repeated back. She nodded, "How?"

"Well your energy felt different than his." She said bluntly. "I wouldn't even know how to explain it." With this I don't say anything else. I just kinda sit there. After I sit there for a couple of minutes I realize I have to go inform everyone. I jump up,

"I'm going to be gone for a couple of hours, if he wakes up tell him that I will return." I say before leaving the room. When I return everyone asks me how I'm doing.

"Oh I'm fine," I say, "It was just.... stress, thats all." I say with a reassuring smile. Everyone accepted that answer and brought it up no more."

"Hey where's Adrien?" Midoriya asks.

"Oh... yeah... about that...." I say hesitantly. "He's... sort of... passed out and in Recovery Girls care."

"What!? What happened." Someone asked.

"Well... we were coming back after I woke up, and on the way, he passed out." I paused to let people react. "Okay, I should really be there when he wakes up." I say running off. I get back to the room and see he's still asleep. I sit down by his side, I'm here for a couple of hours, then next thing I know, it's morning and he's waking me up.


End Flashback.

Now I'm here, he's awake and telling the class he's okay. I was happy, then I noticed the time. "Oh no! Doesn't class start soon?" I ask. Everyone looks at their clocks.

"Oh yeah, she's right." I heard.

"We should get to class." Uraraka said. "Your stuff is up in your room."

"Oh, okay, thank you, I'll go get it." I said running up to my room. That's when I noticed, I was running really fast, like at inhuman speeds.

'Kawami has many abilities.' Tikki says.

Oh... now it makes sense. I run into my room and grab my backpack. I was already in my school uniform from yesterday so I just run out the door and back to Uraraka and Midoriya

"Everyone else has already left." Uraraka says.

Adrien gets there with his stuff only a moment after me. Once he gets here we make our way towards the school and this time, no one passes out. We make it to class on time. But Mr. Aizawa was a bit late. That made me feel a bit better about myself, that I wasn't the only one who ever ran late.

"I see your back, Miss Dupain-Cheng." He says. "How are you feeling today?"


"Good, because I have an activity for you all today." He says in a terrifying tone. Oh no...

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