Chapter 12: Waking Up

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Marinette POV

I slowly open my eyes and look around. I'm in a hospital bed but I'm not in the hospital. I'm here alone. I sit up and I feel... different. I don't know, it's like I'm charged, I don't exactly know how to describe it. But I felt complete.

Hey Tikki, do you know what's going on?

'No, I blacked out at the same time you did.'

Just as Tikki finished the door opened and in came a short, old lady. She had her hair pulled up in a bun with a syringe sticking out of it, a white coat, and a weird mask that kinda looks like a face protector.

"Finally, you're up." She says.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Recovery Girl, the school nurse. Your friends brought you here when you collapsed. But I could find nothing wrong with you. Just some really weird energy."

"Weird energy?"

"Yeah, I didn't run any tests, but during my first look at you I noticed that you had rising levels of some energy that I'm unfamiliar with. I was thinking maybe it was your quirk, so I asked Nezu what he thought about it and he said that you were fine, and that I was to wait till you woke up."

I look outside to the setting sun. I turned back to her, "How long have I been out?" I say in a nervous tone.

"Since this morning." She said reassuringly. "Don't worry, you haven't missed much, just a few visitors."

"Who visited me?"

"Uraraka, after she brought you in, and later Midoriya and that very handsome new kid. "

"Adrien?" I don't know why I said it like that, who else would she be talking about?.

"Yeah, that one visited you alot today." Just then there was a knock at the door. "Oh, that's probably him right now." She goes to open the door but stops her.

"Wait!" I say. She turns around.


"You didn't tell him anything about my condition, did you?"

"Only the minor details, like how I didn't know when you were going to wake up, and I didn't know exactly why you collapsed."

Okay good, I still don't know what is happening to me and I don't want him to worry about it. If she had told him about my unknown energy he probably would have freaked out a bit more than he did. I smile and say, "Thank you."

"No problem, one it's doctor, patient confidentiality. Two I still can't say for sure what knocked you out." She turns and opens the door. There Adrien was, and when he saw that I was awake his eyes sparkled with happiness. He ran over and hugged me.

"Thank God you're alright and awake." He says in my ear. "You were out for so long." He pulled out of the hug.

"It was only for the day." I said.

"Yeah, the longest day of the year."

"Okay kitty I think you're overreacting a bit." I said with a smile.

"No I'm not! Today's the summer solstice." He said.

"Okay, maybe not, but still, I'm okay now."

"What was wrong with you?"

I look over at Recovery Girl, who is shrugging her shoulders. I look back at him. "Oh nothing, just stress." I say. He gives me an odd look and then accepts that as a reasonable answer. At this point I was ready to go. I stand up and lose balance.

I guess my body wasn't ready to stand up yet because I'm falling. In that split second I wish that I wasn't going to hit that medical cart I was about to fall face first into. I closed my eyes and prepared for impact, but it never came. I open my eyes and my head is through the medical cart and I'm floating above the ground. This whole time Adrien and Recovery Girl are watching me.

"Since when do you have the abilities of a kwami?" Adrien asked, shocked.

"I guess since we got here." I told him. "Remember when I wasn't showing up on the camera?"

"Oh yeah..." He says. "You think I can do that?" At this point I'm still trying to figure out how to get down. I lower myself to the ground and get my head out of the medical cart and I relax. It worked too, now my body is back to normal.

"I don't know, probably, you and Plagg are in the same situation me and Tikki are in."

"Good point." He says. All the while Recovery Girl is just standing there in a moment of silence.

"I'm not going to question what I just saw." She says, "I've seen weirder things." She moves from in front of the door. "Now you two get out of here."

We both walk out of the room and are about to get to the dorms. We walk outside and as soon as the moonlight hits Adrien he collapses. I was so confused. I wanted to pick him up and take him to Recovery Girl, but I thought I'd be too weak to do it. I look up at the full moon in a panic about what to do.

Suddenly the little voice in my head spoke up. 'Don't worry Marinette, you have the strength of a kwami, you can pick him up.'

Oh, I never realized that enhanced strength was a part of the kwami package.

'Yep!' she said, trying to cheer me up.

I picked Adrien up. Wow, Tikki was right, he is super light. I walk back into the building with Adrien on my back and take him to Recovery Girl.

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