Chapter 19: The Commonality of Three

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Marinette's POV

"Do you wanna knock, or should I?" Adrien asks.

"I don't know, you wanna do it?" I told him. I could tell that we were both nervous. He shakes his head no, so I take a deep breath in and knock. A moment passes and there is no answer. Adrien turns to me and says, "Are you sure we have the correct address?"

I look down at the info that Nezu gave us. "Yeah it's the right address, maybe she's not home?" I say, unsure of myself.

"There's a car in the driveway." He said pointing to the car.

"People can have more than one car you know!"

"Maybe she just didn't hear your knock, maybe try again... I guess."

"That's most likely." I said, going to knock again. And I did, this time even louder than before. It took another moment but eventually someone came to the door. When I saw the face of the person who answered I could tell she was excited. She was also so beautiful. Her hair was a dark red and her eyes were a bright blue. She was wearing a black top with red and orange spots with black jeans.

"So you two must be the ones Nezu told me about." She said, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste." She said while making eye contact as she said our names.

"Yes ma'am, and you must be Kadence Scairp." Adrien said almost Chat like.

"Why yes I am, but you two can call me Katy." She said with a warm smile. I could tell she was nice and so could Adrien by the look on his face. Suddenly I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders that I've felt since our arrival into this world. She felt so nice... almost like home. "Oh my! Lets get you two inside!" She said, gesturing us in. Inside her house was dark and dusty, but I wasn't too dark, I could still see clearly. Some of the sunlight was just blocked out. There were stacks of paper here and there. "Please watch your step, sorry it's not the cleanest in here." She said with a nervous laugh. "It may not seem like it but I'm actually a very organized person. Each thing on the paper is research I've done. I just haven't had the chance to box them up yet." She points to a few stacks and tells us their subjects. "Anyway follow me." She says leading us to her living room.

In her living room was a place that looked like it was meant for meetings. There was a couch and a loveseat sitting across from each other with a table in the middle. "Sit! Sit!" She exclaimed while gesturing us toward the couch. We sat down at opposite ends of the couch. "Oh how rude of me! Would either of you like something to drink?"

We both looked at eachother and turned back to her. "No thank you ma'am." Adrien says.

"Same here, I'm good, but thank you." I said to her.

"Okay," She says sitting in the loveseat across from us. She takes a deep breath in like she's nervous. "Okay, so I know what Nezu told me, but I want you to know your guys' story." Me and Adrien looked at eachother then looked back.

"Well... you see... where we come from, people don't have quirks. Most people are powerless, like here before quirks showed up." I said, "In our world only a chosen few get miraculouses, which are basically jewelry with animal-ish spirits, called kawami's, attached to them giving the holder powers. And so, a few days ago we were fighting Hawkmoth, when the sky lit up and we woke up in front of U-A."

"Ah, I see," She said, "Who is this Hawkmoth fellow?"

"Well, he got his hand on a miraculous and now he akumatizes people in order to steal our miraculouses the cat and ladybug. You see when they're put together, apparently, they grant any single wish. But it comes with a price." Adrien says.

"Ah yes, the whole equivalent exchange thing. You wish for a bike someone loses there, or maybe you want someone to come back to life. It'd turn into a life for a life. I know the deal." Katy said.

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