Chapter 21: An Awakening of Sorts

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Marinette's POV

We walked to Katy's backyard which is huge. There is definitely enough room to train back here. "So from what you tell me, your power has some attack power." Katy says.

"Um, yeah." I reply unsure of myself.

"So, what were you feeling at that moment? Emotionally and physically."

"I was feeling frustrated and my hands felt warm, it was almost pain, but also a feeling of release." I said, trying my best to get the right words out. Although I don't think I did. I put it into words the best I could, but something was still missing.

"Ah I see, I want you to try it now." She said bluntly.

"Really, now?" I ask with no confidence.

"Yes." She says. Then she sits down on the back steps with Adrien as I attempt it. I try to get back in that state of mind and try to force something out.

"Okay, Stop!" Katy says after a moment of failure. "You're doing it all wrong. You need to feel it within you. A quirk is not a miraculous. You can't just call upon its power whenever you need it. A quirk is a part of you, constantly boiling beneath the surface alway there. You can't think of it as an object. It's just as natural breathing and blinking, eventually, once you get used to it. You have to feel it with every fiber of your being. You understand?"

"I think." I say, nodding my head yes.

"Okay, if you think you do try again, but whatever you do don't hit my house." She says.

Taking her warning I try again facing outward, not toward her house. This time I close my eyes, reach out and try to feel it. Then I do, that energy, the feeling, ever since I woke up in the nurse's office. It was there, all throughout my body. Suddenly my body relaxed and I found the word I was struggling with earlier. As I found the word something came shooting out of my hands. I opened my eyes only to realize I'm falling to the ground. I hadn't realized I was levitating in this process, I wondered when it happened.

"There you have it." Katy says, clapping her hands. "Not only have you used your quirk but you have done it while using the kwamis power. You are a natural." 

"Thanks, that was fun, I think I want to do more, all that energy-"

"Hold your horses!" She interrupts me. "There was a lot of power behind that blast. I'm thinking from the source of your power you're going to have to get used to your power. Understand it, I want you to meditate in the sunlight."

"What's that going to do?"

"It will help you feel the power running through you, it helps you feel where its all going. Perhaps there's more to your power than just those blasts. This exercise may help you see that. I know it helped me out alot when figuring out my quirk, of course I didn't have anyone giving me pointers." She says that she picks out a nice little stop in the yard and tells me to sit there. I follow her instructions and sit crossed legged with my palms up. Ready Tikki? I ask her.

'Oh yeah Marinette, I'm here to help." She says. The last thing I hear before I block the rest of the world out is Katy saying, "Okay blondie your turn."

Oh I forgot to mention, the word I was struggling with was the word free. I felt free.

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