Chapter 14: Lets Fight

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Marinette's POV 

Oh no... I thought as he said his activity for today.

"Since we don't know what Marinette and Adrien are capable of, I figured we could spar today."

Well this sucks! I don't even know what I'm capable of.

"Now you're only going to fight in gym uniforms so no hero costumes. "

Wow, that makes me feel soo much better.

"Okay, now get down to the locker room to change, we'll meet outside in ten." He said dismissing us. I went up to Uraraka, trying my best to try and hide my nervousness. 

"I don't know where the locker room is so can you show it to me?" 

"Of course." She said, leading me out the room. I follow her and once we get there I pull out the gym uniform I put in my backpack the other day. I put it on and I overheard a conversation between Uraraka and the frog girl. 

"I wonder who's gonna win?" Said frog girl.

"I don't know Tsu," so that's her name, I really need to learn everyone's. "Deku has a good chance," who's Deku? "But Bakugo has a good chance, and there's also Todoroki..." 

"Yeah but keep in mind, we don't know what Marinette and Adrien can do so..."

"Yeah you got a good point there, umm... I guess we'll have to wait and see." Oh great, they're already voting against me. Just how powerful is everyone? I take a deep breath and wait for everyone to leave so I can just follow the crowd. 

Once I get outside I meet with Adrien and talk to him about what I had heard. 

"Oh yeah, those are the top three kids in the class." He said.

"How do you know that?" 

"Because I was told... and warned. "

"Who are they?"

"Hmm, let me see," he says, looking around. "Thats Bakugo... That's Todoroki... and that's Deku." He says pointing to the kid with anger problems, the kid with two hair colors and Midoriya. 

"Wait, I thought his name was Midoriya."

"Well, yes, Deku's his nickname and superhero name." Oh I get it now... makes sense. Just then Aizawa comes out carrying a box and gets everyone's attention. 

"Okay, for those of you who may not know how this works," he said, "You pull out a letter and the person who has the same one as you is your partner." Okay that's easy enough. "Okay let's get started. "

We all pulled a letter from the box, I pulled a D. I check to see if Adrien pulled the same letter, but he doesn't. So I look around and finally find my partner. And just my luck, it's Deku. 

"Okay, has everyone found their partners." Aizawa said, looking around. Once he sees everyone with their pair he then goes on to explain how this was going to go. "So your fights will go in alphabetical order. Once you're inside the ring, you lose by either a ring out, you can't go on or you give up. So it's pretty basic." He said. He checked to see if we understood. Once he saw we did he continued, "Now can I have pair A up." 

It was the invisible girl and the guy with tape in his elbow. "Ah, we have Hagakure and Sero going first." I heard someone say. 

The fight was interesting, but kinda weird, the girl got undressed so she couldn't be seen. It worked... but.... I may have done the same thing though.

"And Hagakure wins!" I heard Aizawa say interrupting my thoughts. And so the fights went on. Shoji V.S Sato, Ashido V.S Yaoyorozu, and then it was Deku and my turn. That's when I got nervous. I didn't know what he could do, I didn't know what I could do, oh god.

'Clam down Marinette! I get it but you do know you have my abilities.'

Thanks Tikki. 

I started to calm down. I take a deep breath and get a hold of myself. I walk up on stage and notice everyone is watching.

"Get into position." We did. "And... Go!"

I see his body produce green lightning and he charges at me super quickly and goes to kick me. I manage to dodge. Once he stops he looks at me, trying to analyze me. He attacks again in almost the same way. I jump up and just kinda float there for a minute and I come back down. So far I know he's got speed. But that's it... I feel there's more to it than that though. He keeps pausing in between attacks. I know he's strategizing, but so was I.

He charged at me once more, but this time as I dodged I also attacked and got a hit in then I backed off to see what he'll do next. Once he regains his posture he attacks again in the I dodge and goes in for another attack but he dodges and gets his hit. 

Ow, that hurt. I got back up, I feel like we're just doing the same thing just adding a step in everytime, like trying to learn a dance. I've had enough, so I decide to go on the offensive and attack first. This started the actual battle, and he was winning. Okay now was l the time.

"Lucky Charm!" But nothing happens.

I thought I had the abilities of a kwami?

'I thought you did too, you seem to, you can do everything else.'

Oh well. But we have to win.

I attack once more and this time he gets another hit in and I land on my back. I was getting upset now, I sat up and looked at him and realized just how helpless I was. I get angry, I don't know why, I just do... maybe its stress? I clench my fist.

In my anger I feel a surge of power. Deku's face changes as he's looking at me, I look down at myself and my arms are glowing with a golden light. I was so surprised I un-clenched my fist and the light came shooting out of my hands. It hit Deku and knocked him out of the ring. 

I looked around and everyone's faces were in shock, including mine. I guess this is my quirk, but what is it? 

I went to help Deku up. "I'm so sorry." I say reaching out my hand to help him up. "I didn't mean to hit you like that."

"It's fine," he says, accepting my hand. "Just what was that?"

"Oh, that was my quirk." I say like I've known this entire time.

"Cool! What is it called."

"Umm" quick think of something fast. "Honestly, I forgot"

"How, it's the name of your quirk?" 

"I don't know." I shrugged, "I just did."

"Okay..." We turn back to the class

"Well," Aizawa said, "I guess Marinette's the winner. Now it's time for the next two to come up." 

Adrien and Bakugo walk into the ring.

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