Chapter 23: Well... Thats a Wrap

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Marinette's POV

The longer I sat the more I felt the sun's power. I felt as it empowers everything in my body, but got weaker as the sun changed position overhead to where I was sitting in the shade rather than the sun. It seems that the power is strongest in direct sunlight. Feeling how the power was going through me, I had a few theories on the ways it can be used. I opened my eyes to see Adrien sitting across the yard from me also meditating. Then an unsettling feeling came over me which caused me to jump to my feet. I look around and see no Katy, so I walk toward the backdoor and just as I'm about to open it, the door comes flying at me hitting me in the face.

"Ow!" I said out loud.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry," Katy says, "I didn't see you there. But I see you're finally up." She says in a total change of tone.

"Um, yeah. What time is it?"

"Well..." she pauses, "It's about 4 pm."

"What? I've been sitting there that long!" I whisper-yelled as I started to freak out.

"Woah, it's fine, no need to freak out."

"Well, we sorta had plans later tonight and if we don't leave soon we'll be late!"

"Okay, okay."

"I should probably get him out." I said, referring to Adrien, "Well if it's safe, that is?"

"Oh yeah, it's fine! Honestly he stopped meditating and fell asleep ages ago." She said laughing a bit.

I walked over to him and heard him quietly snoring. I got a small chuckle as well from it. He looked so cute, but that's not what's important right now. "Hey, wake up." I say lightly shaking him. He woke up right away.

"72!" He yells as he opens his eyes.

"Uh, no... I think?" I said with a unsure grin. I point to my wrist where a watch would be, if I had one. Then I extended my hand out to help him get up. He looked at the sky then grabbed my hand.

"What time is it?" He asks, in a half awake tone.

"About four, we need to go."

"Oh yeah, we do." We walked up to Katy who was standing at the backdoor.

"Okay before you two go." She says stop us. "I've had a few hours to brainstorm and I've come up with your quirk names, just in case anyone asks." She says winking at us, she already knew people were asking. After all that is what this world society is based off of. She points to me and says, "Your quirk is called Solarflare." She points to Adrien and says, "and yours is Bloodmoon." She says excitedly.

"Why is mine called Blood Moon?" Adrien asks

"It was the coolest sounding out of all the moon related names I came up with." She said admittingly.

"Oh makes sense." We both said in unison.

"And one more thing, to continue your training, I want you both to meditate in the moonlight tonight. After that, that would be all the meditation training you two need. You guys catch on pretty quickly. And I want you back for quirk training tomorrow. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am" We said, once more, in unison. For some reason, as she said that, it scared me. Not like Hawkmoth scared but like a mother scared. It was odd.

"Okay, have a nice night you two." She said with a warm smile, almost like her statement earlier wasn't said the way she said it. It's like she flipped a switch. My mom doesn't have that type of switch, at least not one I've seen. But then again, from what my friends told me, every mom has it. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But still... S C A R Y.

Anyway we left her place with much more confidence then what we had before. And we were both excited for what tonight held, I can't wait until we meet up with the others. I wonder what's in store for us tonight.

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