Chapter 11: First Day?

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Marinette's POV

My mom and dad were sitting on my bed holding a picture of me, and crying.

"Our poor Marinette," my mom said, "where could she possibly be?" She turns to my dad. I try to reach out to them but they're just out of my grasp. I try to call out to them.

"Right here! Mom! Dad! I'm right here!" I try but they just don't hear me. I fall to the ground crying. I couldn't bear to see them like this and I turned away, but behind me was another terrible sight. Alya falls to pieces in Nino's arms with him trying to comfort her. All the while holding his own tears back.

"I'm sure they're fine." He says. But he wasn't fooling anyone. Once more I try to reach out, but nothing. I just can't take it anymore! I... I'll...

I woke up to loud banging on my door. Whew, just a dream. I get up and open the door to see a boy with red spiky hair and Adrien. The boy takes one look at me and says.

"Oh, sorry, did we wake you up?"

I sigh, "Yeah but it's alright, umm..."

"Kirishima." He said, "My name is Kirishima."

"Oh, well nice to meet you."

"Well Adrien over here wanted to talk to you, but he didn't know where your dorm was."

"Oh, come on in." I say stepping out of the way for them to enter. Adrien walks in but Kirishima stays out.

"I gotta get to training now." He said, "but I'll see you guys later in class." He walks away. I close the door and turn to Adrien.

"Yo, what's up?" I ask. That's when I realized that I was no longer stuttering and tripping all over my words.

"Well we haven't had much of a chance to talk." He says. Oh right, I guess that is true. I was so nervous, I kinda didn't want to talk about it. I thought there were, just, things we didn't need to say.

"So... Uh... What did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Well for one, you're ladybug!" Oh god, here we go, for some reason I just didn't want to have this conversation. I wasn't feeling it, I guess.

"Yep, that's me." I turn around to my drawers and get out the other uniform and one of the gym outfits. I didn't know if I was going to need it, but just in case...

"Marinette?" His somewhat serious voice interrupted my train of thought.

"Yes?" I turned to him.

"How are we going to get back home?" He asks.

I turn back around to my clothes and pick them up. "I don't know." I said in a shaky voice. It almost sounded like I was about to cry, which I was.

I put the uniform on my bed and I took the gym outfit to the desk where the school supplies were. "But I'll figure it out." I said as I shoved the gym clothes into the backpack, along with everything else. I zip it up and I turn back to his sad face. Once I turn around he tries and hides it. I pretended it worked.

"But for now," I said, "we go to school at U.A high. Today we need to figure out our quirks before too many questions are asked." I guess I sounded like Ladybug there, because he perked right up.

"You got it, bugaboo." He winked, I rolled my eyes.

"Okay I need to change now so get out." I said, opening the door for him. "See ya in class." I say closing the door. I walk over to my bed and get dressed for the day. I grabbed my backpack and one of those bars from last night and I walked downstairs waiting for him. There, there was a girl, she looked like she was waiting for me. Once she saw me a huge smile appeared on her face.

"Hello," she said, "I'm Uraraka! I'm here to take you to class." I smile back.

"Okay then, let's go."

She walked me out the door, and as soon as I hit the sunlight I felt dizzy, I heard bells ringing and then everything went black.

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