Chapter 15: A Bloodbath

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Adrien's POV

I walked out into the ring with Bakugo and I was scared. I didn't know his quirk but I know he's super powerful and he is not the nicest of people. 

"Okay three... two... one, start!" Aizawa announces.

He charges at me being propelled by... explosions!? What is going on? All of a sudden I was on the ground in pain. It happened so fast... how did he get me? 

When I got back up, he was already on the other side of the ring, waiting for me to recover. He was just standing there, watching me. I haven't gotten used to the whole kwami power thing, but I was gonna try. 

I take a deep breath and get in the zone. Okay, so the whole lucky charm thing didn't work for Marinette, so I don't think cataclysm is gonna work for me. How did she blast Deku out of the ring like that though? Was it her quirk? I still don't know what mine is, so I may as well not try it, I gotta stick with what I know. I got the basic abilities of a kwami. So I'm faster, stronger, can fly, and I can pass through solid objects. Okay! Lets. Do. This.

I look up at my opponent and get ready for the next hit. He takes one more moment and attacks again. He approaches the same way, but this time, I can see him and I dodge. Once he realizes what happened he seems to get more mad. This time he was faster and I couldn't dodge but I could see it. I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but it never came.

I open my eyes and turn around, he's looking at me like I'm crazy. That's when I realized that I went through his fist, just as Marinette did with the cart. I was celebrating, but not out loud, that would just make me seem crazy. 

I noticed he was getting even angrier. This time he was faster than ever, I couldn't prepare in any way. I feel an explosion hit me in my gut. It wasn't the kill you kind, but it had enough force to knock me across the ring. I just laid there for a minute without opening my eyes when I heard Aizawa announce with no emotion.

"Bakugo wins." Wait. What!? I sat up and looked around to see that I was outside of the ring. I guess he hit me harder than I thought.

'You got that right kid.' I hear Plagg say. Ah, yes, I know, I think back to him. I return to my spot in the crowd to spectate the rest of the fights. They were all really interesting. There are a lot of quirks and names. They're all so cool!

After the fights Aizawa pulls me and Marinette to the side and tells us to meet him after class... I wonder what this will be about...

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