Chapter 27: A Tasty Meal for All

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Marinette's POV

"Well about that, I was thinking, let's go to a steakhouse! Oh, or maybe sushi?" Momo said with excitement

"Huh, I wouldn't mind that." I said.

"Oh good, that means you're not vegan or something... I was scared, but if you were, there is a list of alternative options." Momo said.

"Oh no, you're fine!" I replied with a weird- awkward laugh, "I will go wherever you guys wanna go..." I said looking around. We eventually came to the consensus of a steak dinner.

We all took the trains to our next destination. A small place by the name of Haruto Steakhouse. It was a smaller, more local place, and Momo swore by it.

"Dang, I've never eaten in a place like this." Says Ochako.

"Yeah, I guess not." Replies Hagakure in a bantering tone. However no other interaction came to follow up the comment.

"This place is nice, but we still have a lot of stuff with us." Jiro points out.

"Oh yeah, gimme a sec." Momo said, draining those last words a bit. She was creating something, and it took a moment. When it came to be finished I was both amazed and confused. It was like a shopping cart lockbox. "There so we won't need to worry about carrying so much, but also we won't have to worry about people stealing our stuff!"

"Wow! This is awesome!" Mina says with a certain sparkle in her eyes. 

Just then a waiter comes out to us, "How many?" He asks.

"Eight please." Momo says in the most elegant of voices. The waiter looks down at his chart, marks something off and looks back up. 

"Any kids menus?" 

"Um- no, I think we're good."

"Actually, can I have one?" Higakure interrupts. We all gave her a questioning look, "what, I like to color. Just cause I get it doesn't mean I have to order off of it." 

"That's fair." Tsu chimes in.

"Right this way madames." He says, gesturing to us at the back of the restaurant. You know for a Saturday this place wasn't very busy. But it had a nice feel to it, and I was happy it wasn't overcrowded. Heck we didn't even have to wait for a table. 

We all got seated at the table, it was one of those circle booths you can only get in the back corners of a restaurant. It was nice. I happened to sit next to Momo and since I was the last person in the booth, there was no one to my right. It was nice though. That just means I didn't have to inconvenience anyone if I had to use the restroom. We all ordered our drinks and we waited. By the time those came around we were ready to order, and we did. Although the wait for our food was decent and so I was put under the spotlight once more.

"So, why did you never tell Chat who you truly are before you came here?" Higakure questioned.

"Well..." I say stirring my drink with the straw, " don't get me wrong, I thought about it often. But then- if we told each other our identities we would both be at serious risk and have to give up our miraculouses."

"Kinda sounds like some BS to me." Tsu says.

"Well think about it. Hawkmoth can get into one's mind. If one of us were to get akumatized that's automatically one of our miraculouses in his hands. Now that we know each other's identities we also know each other's weaknesses. And we know how to hit them were it hurts and get their miraculous. It just spells disaster and victory for the enemy." 

"No, Tsui is right. That's BS." Says Jiro.

"I just gave you a very legit reason and you're calling it BS?"

"Yeah, you're just scared of what the possibilities might be now that you know who each other are now." Jiro says.

"Yeah, turns out the guy you're in love with is the same person you trust the most in the world." Momo says.

"Yeah, but now I have to think about what Adrien actually means to me, and what I feel for him looking through the lense of him being both. The person I imagined my future with and the person I turned down for all those years. I have to stop looking at Adrien through kaleidoscope eyes and start looking at the reality of things."

"True, true. You have a fair point... however don't talk yourself out of something great." Momo says. 

"Thanks for the advice."

"Ooooooh FOOD!" Ochako suddenly blurts out. 

"Oh, yay!" Momo exclaims. And the rest of the content sounds throughout those at the table. We all got our food and had a great meal. The rest of the conversations weren't so heavily focused on me and more everybody. It was really nice.

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