Chapter 28: The Questions That Needed Answers

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Marinette's POV

Somehow I ate the whole meal I got. Normally, I would have something to take home afterwards but my entire appetite has increased since the fusion with Tikki, or maybe since the gaining of a quirk. They both happened around the same time, so it's hard to pinpoint. 'It's probably both' she says in my head. And you know what, you're probably right.

"I just got a text from Kirishima!" Momo exclaims, "he says that they're ready when we are to meet them at the place."

"Alright!" says Higakure.

"Letzz goo!" Ochako says, somewhat pumping her fists.

"So is everybody finished with their food... or at least what they're gonna eat of it?" Momo says, looking around at everybody. We all confirm in one way or another. "Okay, I'll get the check." She said, motioning for the waiter.

"Are we all done here madams?" He says, when he approaches the table. It seemed evident he already knew the answer but he was just being polite. "Would any of you want dessert?" He inquired.

"No, the check is just fine." She says.

"Okay, I'll be right back." He says.

We were all just sitting there, making small conversation when I had this realization.

"You know, I feel as if I have told you guys practically my whole life's story and yet the amount I know about you guys and this world seems very little compared."

"Holy crap, you're right." Mina says.

"We'll, this just. won't. Do." Jiro said.

"Oh yea, ask us anything you'd like to know." Higakure said.

"Oh geez, I don't know what to ask. I can't think of anything I want to ask. Or maybe I just have too many things to ask."

"Take your time. We know it's a lot" Momo said, comfortingly.

"Well we don't know what it's like to travel dimensions, but we have been under a lot of pressure with the superhero work, so maybe we can help you." Uraraka said.

"Well... I guess, I'm curious about what it means to be a hero in this world?"

"That's... that's a loaded question you just asked there..." Mina hesitantly said.

"Well, the answer to that is different for everybody." Jiro said.

"For some people they're in it for the money, for others they genuinely want to help people, some people just want the freedom to use their quirks. There are so many reasons someone chooses to become a hero in this society and yes, they're not always moral and yet, here we are." Momo explains.

"Wow, that sounds... complicated." I say. "What do the hero duties entail?"

"Oh well-" Momo paused as the waiter handed her the check. She looks inside and see's the total then puts her card inside and hands it back."Thank you" she whispers to the waiter and continues her conversation. "Okay where was I? Oh yes! Well being a hero in this world entails helping citizens with things they need help with on slower days or maybe patrols."

"But our main purpose is to resume, evacuate and fight the villains." Uraraka said.

"Villains?" I said, "What are they like?"

"Well some are scary... some are deadly... some are crazy... some are just in a bad situation... and some are so unharmful that people wonder how or why they even became the villains." Tsui says.

"Being a hero can be quite difficult and unfortunately there are casualties. Sometimes the villains are just too powerful. But you have to keep pushing through though, plus ultra and all that!" Higakure explains.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in."

"Yeah, but you have practice with the whole being a hero thing. So I think you will be perfectly fine." Momo says with a comforting smile. I guess she could see the dread that my face said.

"Oh yeah, from the sounds of it, you actually have much more experience with the whole heroing thing than any of us." Uraraka said. "You've been doing this thing for how many years now?"

'She has a point, Marinette' Tikki said. 'When it comes to saving people you're really good at it, so don't doubt yourself on it.' You're right Tikki, they all are right. My face brightens up a bit.

"I've been doing it for about three years I guess."

"Exactly, see you got this!" Mina encourages. Just as she said this the waiter came back with Momos card and we were ready to leave.

"Okay, let's go meet the guys!" She says in a cheery voice. Everyone got up and started to exit the booth, but I just kinda sat there for a minute.

"You good Marinette?" Jiro asks with a concerning look.

"Yea, I'm good... thank you guys for this. I needed every aspect of this night tonight!" I say holding back tears with a giant smile on my face. I pull myself together and stand up. "Okay! Let's go meet the boys!"

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