Chapter 26: Its Game Time Bois

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Adrien's POV: 

After separating from the girls we all ended up in an arcade-like, sports bar-like, restaurant-like place. (a/n think Dave and Busters) It all looked really cool.

"So I'm thinking we'll eat dinner here too." Kirishima says.

"Sounds good to me." Kaminari says and the rest of us nod in approval.

"Alright let's go get some points!" Sero yelled.

"Wait, how are we paying for this?" I asked. 

"Ah yes, about that." Iida said, all the eyes focused on him, "Todoroki and I will be paying for this evening here." Everyone cheered a bit but Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero were the loudest, he even got some pats on the back. "I have prepared some cards with about 10,000 yen (A/n about 100 usd) You all get one card, spend it wisely." He said after pulling out the cards, but I think for some I think once they saw the cards his words went in one ear and out the other. 

Everyone got their cards but before we all could scatter he had one last thing to say, "This is not food money, this is strictly for play." He talks so seriously, sometimes it's funny to watch. We all acknowledged his words and went to get our points and started.

We all went our own ways but at the same time we were always together. We all were playing the same games. Eventually I found a game similar to Ultimate Mecha Strike III (a/n the game played in Gamer for those who don't know) Just as I was about to play it one player Kaminari came up to me.

"Wanna play?" He asked me with a giant smile.


"I must warn you I'm the best in the class at this game." 

"I'm up for the challenge." I said with a smirk. 

We started playing and in the first round I beat him. 

"Again!" Kaminari said. 


This time he beat me and this cycle continued for a while as we were pretty evenly matched. As we were playing we drew in a crowd and eventually everyone was standing behind us watching. They were all cheering us on, it was fun.

"Again!" I said after a loss.

"Okay" we both slid our cards in the machine but they were rejected, we had run out of points. "Awe come on!" Kaminari says.

"Oh well" I laugh, "Let's call this one a draw."

"Yeah, you're right! You're really good at that game!" 

"Yeah well I'm nothing compared to Marinette, she could beat both of us."

"Woah really?" Kirishima spoke up, "That's kinda hard to believe after what we just saw.

"Ah but it's the truth, she's so good she played against the other schools in Paris and won."

"Damn, that's manly!" Kirishima exclaimed and most everyone gave some kind of amused look, except Tokoyami and Shouji, or maybe they did and I couldn't tell. 

"Anyone still have points?" I ask, trying to see if we'd be playing games longer. A few raised their hands.

"Yeah, we got so distracted by you we forgot to play games." Deku said.

"Oh, yeah... sorry"

"No it's fine, it was fun to watch!" He said. 

"Eh, my budget is up and my points are used, so I'm going to just watch till we eat."

"Oh, okay! I think I'm going to play a few more games, I can't believe we've already been here two hours!"

"Well, they don't lie when they say 'time flies when you're having fun'" Aoyama cut in. 

"Heheha, yea that's true." I say. 

"Hey everyone! You should start making your way to the dining area in about 20 minutes!" Iida said, passing us walking over to the area with the pool tables where it seems several of our classmates have gone. I hadn't even noticed they had gone over there. It appears Kirishima and... wait Todoroki... are playing a game. Those two are a pair I didn't expect to be playing.

Deku, Aoyama and I walk over to the table and watch and Kirishima breaks. 

"I didn't see either of you as the pool type."

"Well I've never actually played before, Kirishima is teaching me." 

"I'm no pro, but I've played a bit, Jiro actually taught me when we, kaminari, bakugo, sero and mina were here." Kirishima says chalking his stick and aiming. He shot the shot and made it into a corner pocket. "Eyeeeeee, I'm solids." He went for another shot and scratched the ball.

"So does that mean it's my turn?"

"Yea, try to get the balls with the stripes in the pockets, but whatever you do don't get the eight ball in." I told Todoroki.

"Got it." He said he took a couple shots.

"Not bad." I said.

"Hey where did you learn to play pool?" Deku says with his notebook out.

"Oh, um, my mom taught me when I was younger. I was homeschooled so I know random stuff like this. When I was younger and I had free time, my mom would teach me some new skills."

"Whoa really?"

"Yea, if I can recall correctly she had just gotten back from America when she taught me."

"Oh yea, this is a popular sport in America, isn't it?" Tokoyami says. 

"Yep!" Kirishima says, taking his shot.

We stood there, talking to each other and watching them play. Todoroki surprisingly won, and by the time they finished their first game it was time to eat.

"Everyone gather to the dining area!" Iidia said with his hand gestures. We all sat down and prepared to order.

Heyo, sorry it's been awhile. Anyway this place I based off the Dave and Busters near me, so if this is weird sorry. It's one of my favorite places to go... even though I don't go too often. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next one come out who knows when... I wanna say soon, but knowing myself.... yea, I don't really know.

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