25. Mr. Mysterious

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" How can I be sure that you're not just playing with me?" I asked him. He smiled ironically.

" Uhm-hm... Do you think that I would take you on this dinner if I were just playing with you?" he answered me with question.

"Maybe you just wanna show off with me, have some fun with me... and then kick me out. " I looked at him with a slight smile.

" Who do you think I am, huh?" he said with a calm voice, not like Tony Montana after he shot Alberto in that car in Scarface.

" I will never do that. So I don't wanna hear you talking about that again."  he caressed my cheek.


We arrived in front of a fancy restaurant full of people. I could see that even from the outside.
Al helped me get out of the limo and we walked to the main door of the restaurant.
When we got inside, there was that table thing with computer and an assistant checking reservations.

" Mr. Pacino!" said that assistant, it was a bit older lady, maybe in her forties or fifties.
" Hi there. We are here for the Coppola dinner." he smiled.
" Of course. Come with me!" she said all excited and led us to our table.

When we got there I was shook. I saw Mr. Coppola, Andy García, George Hamilton and... ugh. Diane Keaton. I don't like her. Just because she was in a relationship with Al and gave him that marriage ultimatum. I don't think that an intelligent, normally thinking woman would do that.

Nevermind, I tried to ignore her. Then there were some other actors that I really don't know and.. wow.

I saw a man. And when I say a man, I mean the MAN. He was the definition of masculinity. His wide face, high and prominent cheekbones, dead shark eyes and wide, expressionless mouth forced me to stare at him. He looked beautiful, but at the same time kinda disturbing. But I gotta admit one thing. He was incredibly sexy. He held a glass of red wine.

I had that feeling that I knew him from somewhere

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I had that feeling that I knew him from somewhere. But I didn't know where.

He woke me from a trance with a sharp gaze into my eyes. It was like someone poured a bucket of hot water on my head. I immediately looked down and blinked. He got me really nervous.

" Hello friends!" Al said and everyone was smiling and greeting him. I tried to smile.

" I would like to introduce you my new wonderful and charming friend, Sofia. She is my muse!" he said proudly and grabbed me around the waist. I turned my head to him and then to the company we had.

" It's such a pleasure to meet you all." I said and put my hand on my heart to indicate how pleased I was.

Some of them really kept an attention and tried to say hi to me, some were just chatting around.

" You heard him? A 'muse'," I heard Diane say," more like a new toy." she finished the sentence, leaning to some woman.

What a bitch? Why does everyone I meet these three days start to hate me immediately? It's kind of upsetting.

So Al led us to our seats. There were name tags on the table, everyone had their seat given.

Al led me to the side of the table where our Mr. Mysterious aka. the definition of the word man was sat.

With each step we were getting closer to him. And yes. The seat right next to him. There was a tag with, surprisingly, my name on it.

Oh god, why? Is this some kind of a joke?

" Look, they got your name written on it. I told them to do it." Al smiled and grabbed my ass cheeks as I wanted to sit down. Mr. Mysterious definitely saw that.

" That's so sweet. Thank you!" I thanked to Al and stroked his hair.

I finally sat down. He was sitting by my right side and I felt a weird kind of tension between him and I.

Al ordered us some red wine and talked to me for a bit, but then one of his friends came over.

" Sorry miss Sofia, I'll borrow him for a minute, is that alright?" he said a bit tipsy. It was an older man, maybe in Al's age category.

"Sure." I just smiled at Al and he told me he would be back in a minute. The he stood up and walked away.

Amazing. Im all alone here now, I don't understand some of the people here right because of different accents and I'm all sober. Perfect combo.

I was looking all around the table, tried to not seem awkward. I felt Diane's eyes all over me, and I prefered to not look in her direction.

" Hello."
I heard a velvet voice with a slight accent. Oh gosh.

I looked at my right side. It was Mr.Mysterious.

" Oh, hey." I stuttered and tried to look him in his eyes. And it was hard. Then I immediately took a look on his tag. Mads Mikkelsen.

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