31. perv

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I'm actually a fan of Woody Allen, so when I saw him my eyes were all popped out.

He wore his classic blue button down and beige trousers with a leather belt.

When he came out of the door, he looked at the long line and rolled his eyes. Then he saw us.

" Oh my god, not this one." Al sounded tired.

" It's Woody Allen." I remarked with a blissfull expression on my face, looking at Woody. I didn't even mind the fact that he could hear me.

" Oh Al, could you please introduce me to him?" I begged him, while Woody was talking to someone from the line. He looked irritated.

" You must be out of your mind. No way,"Al said and grabbed my forearm to pull me closer, " Diane told me a lot of stuff about him. That he's a genius with a huge libido. " he snorted ironically.
"He's a perv." he looked me deep in my eyes.

I turned my head to look at Woody. I've seen like 5 of his movies, all in which he was the main character. I loved his neurotic and clumsy yet attractive persona. I wanted to know what he's like in real life.

He was talking to some another man from his team, I assumed. He leaned closer to him and it seemed that he was telling him something private. While talking he looked me right in my eyes. I quickly turned my head back to Al. I'm such a coward.

" He doesn't like me because Diane fell in love with me after their break up while filming the Godfather. I don't like him neither." he said firmly.

"Okay?" I said ironically, glancing at him.

"All right, come on." he said, grabbing my forearm and pulling me away.

I stumbled and was forced to leave Woody there.

"But wait, Al!" I whispered loudly. I looked over my shoulder at Woody for the last time. He watched me and wasn't surprised at all by my gaze. It was as if he was waiting and knew I would look back.

He gave me a smile. It was a strange smile. Quite confident for a man of his appearance, but given his reputation, it is understandable.

I was surprised and caught myself with my mouth ajar. Eventually I smiled at him too.

Then I turned back because I noticed that Al was already wondering what I was looking at.

                                       * * *

When we got out in front of the building, a group of people came to us. Some fans as I later learned.

"Al, please, it's my birthday today, can I take a pic with you?"I heard some girl speak. She was very pretty and seemed nice.

Al let go of my wrist, smiled at me and followed the girl.

"Hi, sure."

The girl giggled and pulled her phone out of the pocket of her black pants.

Al grabbed her by the shoulders with a smile and she tilted her head to his.

When she took the pic, the girl handed a picture of Al as Tony Montana.

"Could you please sign this for me?" the girl begged him with real joy in her eyes. Al nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Ella!" she said, watching Al sign it with a smile on her face.

When he was done, Ella thanked him and hugged him. Then she said goodbye to us and the whole group of people left with her. They must have been her friends. We went to the car and headed home.


This chapter is a bit boring but it will get better I promise! heheh
ALSO!! I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend Ella! I wish you all the best and remember it's your day, so enjoy it as best as you can! ❤️ oh and I also hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Love you all ! xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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