27. provocative

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" Thats what I was saying." I said with a silly smile on my face and rolled my eyes.

"Sorry. But to make you feel better, I arrived just yesterday." he told me with, now, a serious face again.

I just smirked and looked down at my glass of wine. I stirred the wine nervously with a circular motion of my hand. I watched the red wine settle on the sides of the glass.

"Skål!" Mads said as I looked back at him and he raised his glass. I guessed it meant something like cheers in Danish.

I smiled and raised my glass too. Then we clinked our glasses.

Mads brought the glass closer to his lips and placed them against it while intensely watching me. As I took a sip of the wine, he put a wicked wide grin on his face, showing his incredibly prominent fangs, his eyes still pinned at mine. Then he also took a big sip.

What was the look he was giving me supposed to mean? I couldn't read anything off his almost motionless face.

His grin may have been caused by the fact that he was thinking something bad about me, or the exact opposite. And it was up to me to find out.

After the third glass of wine in less than half an hour after I arrived to this restaurant, I began to feel its effects pretty decently. I wondered if Mads felt the same or if he was even more drunk than me.

" There's one thing I've been wondering about since I first saw you down there."

" What is it? "

" What's your age?" he asked, his face still.

Oh, no, no, no... Once he finds out you're only 18 he'll instantly think god knows what about you.

An unpleasant look spread uncontrollably on my face. " I'm gonna be 19 in 2 months." I tried to brush off the uncomfortable expression out of my face with a slight smile.

"Woah..."he exhaled and raised his eyebrows slightly. Again, I couldn't tell from his face what he was thinking. I didn't know if he was surprised or quietly mocked me.

" How come such a young girl has a-"

" Here you are, baby!" As I felt Al's cold hand tighten around my waist, I winced in fright. He appeared by my left side, standing next to Mads.

God, he's gonna be the death of me.

Mads glanced questioningly into my eyes, then turned his gaze to Al, who looked ridiculously short beside him.

" Hey, I'm Al Pacino. Nice to meet you." Al offered Mads his hand with a big cigar between his lips, sounding a little haughty. He seemed quite nervous seeing Mads keeping me company.

Mads hesitated for a while but then decided to shook his hand.

" Mads Mikkelsen. Nice to meet you too. I really appreciate your work." Mads praised Al sincerely, but he still looked at him strangely.

I could hear the two different accents. Al's voice, hoarse, sharp but warm, playful. And then Mads' silvery, velvety, husky and soft but incredibly smoky voice.

Hard to say which one I liked better.

They started a conversation about their work and Al took all the spotlight. He was squeezing my waist so tightly, like if I were about to runaway.

Even though they talked, I still felt Mads' eyes all on me.

" Okay, I gotta go. I have some work tomorrow. It was a pleasure to meet you. " Mads smiled at Al and ended the conversation. Al nodded.

Then Mads came a bit closer to me,"Sofia..."he nodded gently,"It was lovely talking to you."

" It was a pleasure." I dared to look at his honey brown, almond shaped eyes for a minute. They shined so bright.

Mads lifted right corner of his unusually appealing lips slightly and devoted me a last provocative grin.

Then he turned around and walked to the inside of the restaurant

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Then he turned around and walked to the inside of the restaurant.

I just stood there, hypnotized.

I don't understand this man's powers. But no one should underestimate them.


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