22. treat me right

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We went to couple of stores, but I didnt find the dress I wanted. Then I saw an Yves Saint Laurent store and I knew I gotta go there.

We came in and began to look around. I wanted something sultry but still elegant and not cheap. Well, in this store, it's impossible to get something cheap hahah. I wanted to be irresistable, as always. There's something about me.. I always want to look the best, I always wanna be the center of attention, even though I'm not extroverted. It may sound dumb, but thats just how I am.

When we got further, the assistants and saleswomen started to recognize Al. They were whispering something one to another and hypnotizing Al and especially me.

"Hello there... Could you help us with picking some evening dress? It's for a very important dinner." Al said with a class in his voice.
" Oh, hello, sure we can! What are your preferences, young lady?" responded the saleswoman, trying to impress Al with a class in her voice too, but there wasn't any.
She could be around 30-40 years old, her face was all wrinkled and her brunette hair were tied in a tight ponytail.

No one could talk like Al... When he talks like this, he always reminds me of Michael Corleone. He always has that deadly stare and sleek tone of voice. I see him talk like that and I get wet immediately.

" I wanna go for something refined but still sultry and sexy...Maybe something satin?" I told her.  She smiled at me, " Oh yeah, I think I exactly know what you want. " she nodded her head, " Come with me." she said and led us somewhere.

We came to a clothes rack with some red dresses. For a moment she searched the dress she wanted to show me and then, she found it. She grabbed them, stepped back a bit and showed us.

I fell in love with them! These were the ones I wanted to wear. It was a red, satin, long dress with a deep neckline and a slit up to the thighs. Very, very sexy but still elegant.

" These are amazing." I grinned and then turned to Al.
" Come on, try them on, honey." he returned my smile with his sweet and excited one.

I headed to the changing room with Al and the saleswoman behind me.
When I put them on, it was as if a nice soft blanket was hugging me.
I came out of the changing room.

I came out of the changing room

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When Al saw me, he was amazed. He raised his eyebrow and stared at me with his mouth open. He looked at me from head to toe.
The assistant was kinda impressed too.
" You look beautiful in these." Al pointed out.
I smiled and was so flattered.

" Can I buy them for you?" he asked me with a seductive, slight smile on his face. The saleswoman turned his head to him and then to me and smiled. She was probably glad she will have a commission.

I checked the price, 1000$. God, I could never afford that. I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled sweetly and nodded my head.

" Aren't you hungry?" Al asked me when we sat back to his car.
" You eat like a bird." he giggled and glanced at me while starting the car.
I checked the time, it was already 2pm and yes, I got kinda hungry.
" A bit, yes." I turned my head to him and chuckled, "I gotta stay in shape."

It was hard for me to admit it actually, just because I was always so shy eating in front of my crushes. And especially when Al is my biggest crush ever.

" But you gotta eat something, baby. You wanna go get some food?" he asked me with caring tone of his raspy voice.

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now