10. confused

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" Okay." he smirked while stroking my hair and then got out of the bathroom.
I got kinda cold because he left me there all naked. I put on my robe and went to my room.
I met Olivia on the way there.
" You're disgusting." she said thinking she can insult me. But she didnt know that I dont give a fuck about her.
" And who asked for your opinion? " I responded with a fake smile and walked away from her.
I got to my room, sat on a bed and unlocked my phone.
There were another missed calls from my boyfriend. I think I should tell him. I dialed his number.
" Hey." I said when he picked it up.
" Oh my god Sofia where have you been? Why didn't you answer my calls? You're with someone else right?!" he said really pissed off.
" Look... I'm in Beverly Hills. I know I should've told you, but I was scared... I'm here to get a job and finally make my dreams come true."
" WHAT? What are you saying? You must be out of your mind, what the hell are you saying? In Beverly Hills? " he yelled.
" Yes, I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll figure it out after some time. Just take care."
" So you wanna fuck with me? Okay I'm telling you-"
I hang up. I wasn't in mood for this. He's always like that... He thinks that I'm his property or I don't know. That's why I dont love him anymore...I hope he won't do any stupid shit...
I checked the time, it was 5:30 pm. I layed in the bed and covered with a satin blankets.
I fell asleep in a while.


God noo, I fell asleep with my makeup on. I hate that feeling. I got up and checked time again, it was 7:19 pm, that was good. I took a micelar water out of my luggage and sat down at the desk. I cleaned my face while thinking about what are my tonight's plans. I was starving so I figured I should get some food.
Okay. Once I clean my face, I'm gonna do my makeup again but now a bit more dramatic cause it's already getting dark out.
I put on some of my fave songs that always get me in my mood. I like Dark Polo Gang, so I put on Young Rich Gang and started vibing. I'm sure Al would hate this kind of music hahah. I was thinking about what am I gonna wear. I wanted to wear some dress but keep it classy.
I started with my makeup. I put on foundation, did the contour and brushed my eyebrows with a bit of soap, just to make sure it stays on it's place. I didnt put on much highlighter. I put on a red matte lipstick and added just a bit of mascara.
I picked up my little black (again) dress with a cute lacing.

(ignore the blonde hair - Sofia has long black hair)

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(ignore the blonde hair - Sofia has long black hair)

I put on some basic strappy heels and bag. I used my fave perfume Olympea, it's my typical scent and I was ready to go.

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now