26. rooftop

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Now I know who is he! It's the actor from Hannibal and Casino Royale.

And he's talking to me? I remember watching Casino Royale when I was a kid. I never really gave him an attention in that film, I was more interested in Daniel Craig at that age.

But damn. Now, when I see this man? I can barely manage to let out a normal sentence.

" You look bored here. Do you want to grab a drink and check out the roof? " he asked me with his husky voice. I can hear he isn't american. And also wow. This place has some cute roof? I didn't even know.

I was still looking at him confused, trying to decide if I should go or not. Maybe Al comes back in a while and he won't know where am I. What if he gets furious as the last time I dissapeared somewhere without him knowing.

I took a deep breath. " Yeah, why not." I said shyly and kept eye contact with him. I wondered where has all my confidence left. In his presence I felt so unsure of myself.

He smiled and glazed at me with his honey brown eyes. I blushed and managed to return at least a slight smile without any words.

He carefully grabbed his glass full of red wine and stood up. So did I. When I saw his whole figure dressed in a perfectly fitted black tuxedo, I wasn't able to catch my breath.

 When I saw his whole figure dressed in a perfectly fitted black tuxedo, I wasn't able to catch my breath

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He led me out of the room and then upstairs. We met a lot of people on the way there, all of them dressed up in glamorous clothes. There was such a rumble throughout the bar we couldn't even talk to one another.

We finally were on the roof. The landscape was breathtaking. There were definitely fewer people and we could hear better.

" I should have introduced myself earlier, but it was too damn loud there

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" I should have introduced myself earlier, but it was too damn loud there. " he chuckled, showing his fangs.

" I am Mads." he reached his hand to me.

" I'm Sofia."  we shook hands. When our hands touched it felt electrical. His hand was so soft, even though it appeared strong and masculine.

"Sofia? That doesn't sound much american, does it?" he asked.

I shook my head and giggled slightly. " Mads doesn't sound american either." I remarked.

Oh, god. I felt so embarassed but any different words wouldn't come to my mind. Sofia, at least try to not sound dumb, if not intelligent.

" I'm from Denmark." he said with a danish accent.

"Oh, so you're European!" Wow, really?

"Yeah. Now tell me about yourself. " he said with a class in his voice, as if giving me an order, still keeping a confident smile on his face.

"I'm Italian."

" That's exciting. I think Italy is a fascinating country. The nature's perfect."

" Yeah, but the place I come from is quite uninteresting and...also dangerous. So I like it more here." I lifted the left corner of my mouth up.

He paid all his attention to me. He was analyzing the way I talked, moved my lips, and where I looked at. It made me nervous. Standing right next to him made me nervous.

" That is interesting. How long have you been here, in Los Angeles?"

I don't understand how he could sound so uninterested, but at the same time watch me so closely.

" You'll laugh at me." I smirked and looked down at the floor.

" Why would I?"

" I've been here for... 3 days I think." I looked up at him and tried not to giggle.

He frowned and a surprised laugh spread across his face. I told you.

Soo what do you think about Mads so far?
Any fans of Mads here? 😏

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Thanks for support and have a lovely day!

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