5. hope this works out

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Al got to the drivers seat and we started to talk.
" So Sofia, tell me about yourself. I dont know much about you. " he asked me.
" Well... I attend a small high school, I love going to the gym. Then I love cooking and..."
" Really? Thats nice! What's your favorite meal?" he asked me with wide ass smile on his face. Hahah I think he's happy that Im that type of girl that actually likes cooking.
" Yeah really, most of the times some healthy stuff since I care about my body. My favorite meal? Thats hard... I cant say one!" I laughed and he laughed too.
" Im just gonna say that I love asian and italian cuisine." I simply said and looked at Al. He was paying attention to driving, but sometimes he laid his eyes on me.
" Oh I love italian too. You a good girl that you take care of your body. You know I can definitely see it on you, keep up the bad work." he looked at me and licked his lips while smiling. OH GOD. TONY ARE YOU THERE???
This man is golden.
" Thank you. " I smirked and looked deep into his eyes too. Then he had to look away because he was still driving.
" Okay we are nearly there." he said and I was looking all around. This was paradise. All the palm trees, everything was so colorful. I dont know this from my home. We were driving around a really expensive and big houses. I wonder how does his house look like.
After 5 minutes of us talking we finally got there. And let me tell you... The house was HUGE. And pretty amazing. It was so luxurios.
" So, we're here." said Al while we were still sitting in the car and... he put his hand on my thigh and gave me deep sexy look. The one that he's being so good at. I stared in his eyes and opened my mouth a little bit. I only had tights on so it felt like he was touching my naked skin. Only this little thing turned me on so much. I was surprised that he did this. I was a bit concerned and I didnt know what should I do. I mean I loved it but it was unexpected as fuck. But before I could do something he put the hand away.
" Let's go." he smiled and got out of the car.
I was out of words so I got out too and followed him.
He holds the main door for me and I come in. He goes after me.
I came into a big hall with a shiny wooden floor, white walls and white staircase. There were also these lavish french windows which I love so much. Also there was a little table with a bouquet of red roses and white lilies. It looked very appealing and I immediately fell in love with his place.
" Welcome to my main house. I live here at the moment but I also own some other houses, but this one became my favorite because of the location." Al said with a playful but enchanting grin.
Haha, of course he had to say that, just so I know he's wealthy and has something to offer me. And maybe not. Maybe he's just being honest with me and there's no second thought. I dont know if he just... wants to fuck me and then kick me out, but why would he do that? I bet he has a lot of women chasing him. But his hand on my thigh... I dont understand it.
"Oh... I see why. Its absolutely stunning." I agreed.
" Come with me, honey." Al said and winked at me. The glare in his eyes was luring me to him. All that my mind allowed me to do in that moment was biting my lip. Then he grabbed me by my waist and led me somewhere...

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now