1. who am I?

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Hello there. Im Sofia and Im 18 years old.

Im just gonna tell you a little about myself, so you know how I look like. I am kinda tall and thin and I got booty because I love working out. My hair's black, straight and I got green eyes.

Yeah, most people think that Im that mean pretty face but Im not. Even tho I maybe look good, Im really humble and working hard for everything. I live in Italy and I attend high school. I'm finishing my last year here and after that I wanna go on a university... maybe. Or try modelling, because everyone tells me to do so and also I think I'd like it.

And last but not least, I love Al Pacino. Hes my everything. I think of him 24/7. The only problem is that sometimes I get really sad about the fact that he's already 57(I know hes 80 now but I dont want it to be so weird bcs of that age gap) and that I live in Italy and there's no way I'll ever be able to actually meet him.

So, when we are under a lockdown here in Italy, I got online classes. These are so boring. I hate them! I would rather go to school and see all my friends than this. I cant even see my boyfriend, because he lives so far away from me. He lives in another city on the other half of Italy. So we cant see each other because of the fucked up corona virus. But I dont even care that much... I dont miss him that much. We've been together for 3 years and... Many things happened and its not like it used to be. I would rather be with Al. Damn it...

My alarm woke me up in 7:30 am. I had some online lesson. I joined the call and typed in the chat: 'Im sorry, my mic doesnt work.' I smiled and fell asleep again.

I woke up at 9:10 am. I was finally feeling fresh and ready to do something. I got up and worked out a bit, then I had some another classes.

When I finished school, I was just scrolling through my ig feed and I was looking at Al's pics. His eyes. These dark, deep chocolate eyes. He's always looking so intense. And his little juicy lips. I KNOW they arent little but they're so cute! I cant stop thinking about him.

I searched his name up on google and all of a sudden I saw some link and there it was. 'Al Pacino's fan mail adress: ... '
My heart skipped a beat. Why didnt I think of that earlier?? I can send him some cute letter just to let him know how much I adore him!

The first thing I wanted to do, was put together some text and then write it with my hand, so it's more personal. Then, another step, take some nice photos and get them developed so I can send them with the letter. Maybe he's gonna like me and overall I felt like If he's gonna read it, then maybe he would like to know who wrote it.

I sat down and started writing.

I wrote down everything I wanted - that he's the inspiration to get out of my dirty and dangerous city. If he got out of Bronx, I can try and follow my dreams too. I wrote that I am watching movies where he plays every night and that I cant get enough of him. That he's really my type and that I hope that someday I'll find someone so precious like him.

The next day
I went to the forest with my mum to take some cool photos. The lightning was amazing and the light?! We did it on a golden hour and the photos turned out amazing. I went to the store to develop them and then I can finally put the whole letter together.

When I got it done I licked the edge of the envelope and stuck it together. I went to the post office and sent the letter. I was so excited! I hope that it arrives on the right adress. I hope Al Pacino himself is gonna hold it in his sexy ass hands and read it. And if I'm lucky, maybe he sends me an autograph.

I went home and kept thinking about it, wishing it would make him happy. Before I went to sleep I watched the Sea of Love. I love the love scenes there, it always kinda gets me in my mood... All the scenarios in my head. I went to sleep with feeling that I finally did something right.

Hey! Thank you for reading the fisrt part and also I wanted to say sorry for my english... since I am from Italy my english is not the best. I hope you understand and enjoy the next parts❤️

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