29. that's you?

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The agency we were headed to was located in LA. When Al and I arrived in front of it, I was shocked. It housed in a huge skyscraper, I've never been to a building like this before. It was apparently not only a modeling agency, but also an agency that is in charge of castings for films and a lot of other things.

I sat in the car, just staring in horror at the tall building and the rushing people in the streets.

What did you get yourself into, Sofia?!

I turned my head to Al, who was sitting next to me with a smile full of anticipation on his face.

Then, without a word, I looked back from the window and swallowed dry. My throat was as dry as if I had just eaten the driest bite of bread in the world.

I've always been confident, yes, but agency that's located in Los Angeles is a different league than the Italian Miss competitions.

"Babygirl,"I heard Al say and felt his hand smooth my hair, "are you ready to go?"

"Yeah. Yeah... Sure. Although...," I started to stutter,"I...Well, I don't know." I still tried to maintain a self-confident expression, but I don't think the result of my efforts helped much. I began to bite my lower lip anxiously without realizing it.

"Oh baby, come on. What's wrong? You're doubting yourself?" he smiled a bit smugly.

I shot him a confused angry look with question marks in my eyes, frowning.

"Just kidding, "Al said and started stroking the back of my neck and shoulders back and forth,"I know you're nervous. But you have no reason. You are an absolutely magnificent girl and I am sure that you will enchant them with your charm and sex appeal," he glanced deep into my eyes,"And also the undeniable and radiant beauty that comes from within you." he finished his sentence with beautiful words. I have to admit that at least this has helped me feel a bit more confident.

" Thank you for that." I smiled and leaned for a kiss.

Then we got out of the car and went in. We walked down a long corridor to the reception. There they greeted us and sent us to floor number 6. We headed towards the elevator and entered it. Al pressed the sixth button.

The elevator ride was quite short, it went up really fast. When the door from the elevator
opened, we entered another long corridor.

"Come on, it's around the corner. My friend should be there, ready with her assistants." Al said, grasping my hand gently. He squeezed it lightly with encouragement.

When we got to the right door, Al asked me if I was ready. I took a deep breath and then smiled desperately, "I guess."

" Perfect." without hesitation, Al opened the door.

We had a view of a spacious, modern room. All the walls were painted white and the interior was bright and airy. On the left side of the room was a narrow table with five chairs behind it, three of them were occupied.

On one of them sat a middle-aged woman, blonde, looking quite sympathetic. In the other two sat two men, one younger and one older. One had gray hair, but he looked very youthful and innovative. The younger one looked rather soft and featureless. He also seemed tall but he looked really tiny and skinny. He could be around the age of 20.

A blond woman with a pleasant expression on her face saw us first.

"Al! You're finally here!" she exclaimed, grinning at Al.

"Oh Jess! It's been a long time, hasn't it? You still look so good." Al pointed out and stepped forward. I didn't really know what to do, so I followed him.

"The same goes for you! You still look the same as you did twenty years ago. How do you do it?" she asked, getting up and approaching us.

" You just gotta be surounded with inspiring, young and pretty ladies," he put on a cheeky grin and looked at me, "and fuck them right, so they won't leave you." right after he said that he laughed devilishly and bared his teeth.

He looked exactly like John Milton. At that moment I saw the devil in him.

I laughed slightly with him, but rather tried to watch how the others in the room would react to his vulgar remark.

I saw the men in the back smiling, and Jess was also trying to laugh, but you could see that she was a little taken aback and had no answer.

" It doesn't surprise me." she replied chuckling and folded her arms across her chest.

Al introduced me to everyone, the grey-haired man in the back was Nick and the younger Jason.

Jess was the director of the entire agency. She seemed too nice for such a position, I always imagined it would be such a strict lady, which everyone is afraid of. Nick was a stylist and Jason a photographer.

First we talked for a while, Jess got some basic information about me and wrote it all down on some form. Then Jason took a few pictures of my face.

When that was done, Nick handed me terribly  high heels and a swimsuit that I had to put on. So I went to the screen, which was in a corner of the room, and changed there.

Al sat in the fourth chair with the others the whole time, so it looked like he was a member of the "jury". When I was changed, my task was to walk back and forth in the blank place in front of their desk, and then Jason took a few photos of me in a swimsuit, from the front and also from the back.

The last thing I had to do was shoot a short video where I introduced myself and said a few things about myself. Then we were done.

I could have definitely done better. I had some trouble sometimes, mainly because of the language barrier, but I think even if I messed up as much as possible, Al would do anything just to get me to the agency.

"All right, we're done. You can go change to your clothes." Jess told me with a smile on her face.

I went to change. Finally. I was quite tired, I didn't even have time to go to the toilet and I needed to pee SO MUCH.

"Please, may I ask you where is a bathroom?" I asked Jess when I was already dressed in my clothes. Al was engaged in a passionate conversation with Nick and didn't really pay extra attention to me.

"Darling,it's in the hallway. You go right and turn left at the end of the hall. You should see it then." Jess grinned, grabbed me by the shoulders amicably, and escorted me to the door.

As soon as I closed the door behind me, I exhaled. Finally, I was alone for a while, without the constant attention and observation of others.

I hurried to the bathroom, carrying two boxes of high-heeled shoes that I had received from Jess because I told her I hadn't had any at Al's place. I held them in front of me in both hands, stacked on top of each other . I was supposed to take them to the reception first to give them to our driver, but I really had to go to the bathroom.

I stumbled to the end of the hall and turned left. But the only thing I saw in front of me wasn't the bathrooms, but a big door. Damn Jess!

Ok then. I'll try to go through that door, maybe only Jess forgot to mention them. I lowered my eyes to the floor again and balanced the boxes. But suddenly I heard the door opening. I glanced quickly in front of me, but panicked and the top box of shoes slid to the ground.


Without looking at who appeared in the doorway, I immediately bent to the ground and began to restore the box to its original condition, as the fall caused it to open.

Suddenly I saw sand-color suede shoes on the floor in front of me. I looked from the shoes up.

"Oh, that's you?"I said with astonishment in my voice.

It was Mads.

What is he doing here? God Sofia, couldn't you at least say hello ?!


Hello! This part is quite longer than the other ones, tell me what do you prefer, shorter ones or longer? 💕

I'd be glad for any type of comment or feedback. Thanks for your support and I hope y'all are safe and healthy! 💝

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