3. So what.

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I took the letter back and just walked away leaving her stand there. I went back to my room with my heart broken.
I dont care. I will just go. He's my fucking dream man and Im gonna be sittin here in my casa and do nothing? When he literally INVITES me to America? No way. Im gonna go. I GOTTA go. Im leaving in one week.

Ugh. That fuckin alarm. I looked at it, 5:40 am. Ohhh I hate waking up early. I fell asleep really late, because I am so nervous. I took a deep breath and checked my instagram dm's. I texted my bestie.

bianchi_sofia: hey girl Im leaving today.. I gotta be on the airport in three hours. IM SO NERVOUS
camillapr09: bish I wish you so much luck🙌🏻keep me updated bby and dont be nervous everything's gonna be fine

Oh, thank god I have her. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. when I got out, I put on my outfit that I picked yesterday... I really didnt know what to wear, I wanted to be perfect but without an effort. Just to look natural but not that casual. I ended up picking basic little black dress with some oversized blazer jacket, tights and some cute boots.

I was really feeling myself in it and it was comfy too

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I was really feeling myself in it and it was comfy too. Then I sat down and put some makeup on. I applied a lightweight foundation cause we dont wanna look cakey. I brushed my brows and fixed them with gel. I have naturally bushy brows so I dont have to fill them in. I did a light contour and a bit of higlighter. I put a lot of it in the inner corner of my eyes cause it gives me fresh look and makes me look less tired. I used just a bit of powder cause like I said we wanna keep it natural, then I applied mascara and some nude eyeshadow. And last but not least my plumping lip gloss and we are done. Then I just straightened my long black hair.
I looked at myself in the mirror with face full of concerns. We gotta get it moving baby...
I looked at the time and it was already 7 am.
I took my two heavy suitcases and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and some protein bar. My mum was sitting in the living room, doing some work on her computer. She didnt know that I was leaving. I was just looking at her thinking If I should say it to her or not... I didnt wanna start a fight that would just made the whole thing even worse. I sighed and went to the living room.
"Mama... Im leaving. Im sorry if I disappointed you. But this is the only thing I can do to make myself feel better. It was always my dream and maybe... It'll work out good for me. One thing I wanna tell you before I leave for good... Please, dont be mad at me and dont hate me for this. I know its hard. Take care of yourself... I love you ma. Bye."
I didnt wait for her respond and walked away with tears running down my cheeks. I knew I had to leave now, because if I didnt she would try to convince me to stay. But I couldnt. I had to go for it. Go for my dream life. For the man of my dreams.
There was a taxi already waiting for me in front of my house. When I walked out of the door, I turned around for the last time and just looked at the house where I spent all my childhood. I hope I'll see you again.
The taxi driver helped me out with suitcases and we were going to the airport. We got there in 7:30 and the plane was leaving at 8:15. So I didnt have much time left.


Soo thats it, there's no way back. Fuckkk what did I get myself into, Im crazy! Im gonna see my idol in a couple of hours! (hopefully hahah)
Okay I got 9 hours of way ahead. I should be there in 5pm. Thats not that bad actually.
I took out my laptop and watched my favorite movie... yeah, Scarface. Its fun that Im gonna see my Tony in a "while". I still cant believe it.
I was smiling like a fool while watching it. I couldnt stop thinking about him.


I took my stuff and went to the main hall of the airport. Uhhh the flight was kinda tiring. I feel like shit and I look like shit. My hair's all messed up and my makeup looks dead. Okay I gotta go to the toilets before I meet him.
So I went to the toilet and made myself look like a bad bitch again. My feet hurt so much because of the fucking boots oh my lord... Nevermind. I left the toilets and went looking for the guy with a sign and my name on it. I was feeling like crazy, when I was walking through the main hall. I didnt see him anywhere. Where the fuck is he? I was still looking all around the airport, and he was nowhere. He just vanished or I dont know. My flight wasnt even delayed, whats the problem then?
I sat down on a bench.
"Fuck this fucking shit!" I said really pissed and desperate. Okay I fucked up. It was a fucking mistake. Now there's definitely some creep looking for me so he can kidnap me and rape me somewhere. Im really fucked. Sofia, you are stupid! I looked down and rested my chin on my hand. I saw myself dead and raped in some creepy basement. I thought about some old man cutting my throat off. Im dead thats it Im definitely dead now...
"FUCK" I yelled when someone grabbed my shoulder. I was frightened. I turned around immediately and I saw...

GUYS! Do you like it so far or not? Tell me your opinions❤️❤️its gonna get better its always a bit boring in the beggining🥰
and sorry for some mistakes I cant speak english so good:(  hope you enjoyed it

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