30. lucky

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He bent down and began helping me with the boxes. As he leaned towards me, I immediately smelled a strong odor of cigarettes and only a small hint of cologne.

Surprisingly, it wasn't disgusting as you could think. In his case, it was incredibly attractive.

He raised his head and looked at me.

"Hello, Sofia. What a coincidence." he greeted me with a gentle smile.

Wow, he remembers my name. Should I feel honored?

He looked so noble again. Some strands of his hair sat casually on his forehead. I couldn't help but stare at him.

"Hey, thanks for the help." I replied. That's a classic me, a million thoughts run through my head, but I can't say one out loud.

As Mads put the boxes back together, I grabbed the bottom box by the sides.

Well, at least I thought I grabbed the box. Mads' divine face made me so nervous that I didn't even notice that he had also grabbed the box. Our hands met.

As if they had given me an electric shock, I immediately peeled my hands off his.

I brushed it off with an anxious laugh.
"Sorry." I looked into his eyes, embarrassed.

As soon as I let the word out of my mouth, he grabbed my right hand. My breath caught and I froze.

He circled his thumb gently over the back of my hand and stared into my eyes warmly.

"What you're doing here?"
"I'm here, because... Uhm, Al got me a job in this agency."
"Congratulations, thats good for you right?"
" I guess.."

"Sofia, where have you been for so long?" I heard Al's voice from behind.

I immediately let go of his hand, stood up, and turned toward Al. I could see an irritated grin on his face as he was walking closer to us.

I turned back to Mads, who was standing behind me holding the damn shoe boxes.

"Hello, friend." he said, puckering his lips in his specific way and lifting the corners of his mouth.

"Hi. What are you two doing here?" Al asked suspiciously.

" Mads was just helping me with the shoes."

"Why didn't you tell me? I'd help you, you know that." he said grabbing my waist as he always does when he's jealous. It's like he's marking his territory. It screams 'leave her alone'.

But I guess his behavior bothered me a little. At first he talks so interested with Jessica and doesn't even notice me and as soon as I start talking to someone else, he immediately pulls me away from him.

"That's fine, it's no problem for me." Mads said warmly.

"Come on, I'll take it." Al said and took the boxes from Mads.

I nodded and smiled at Mads. Thanks to our moment of solitude and holding hands, I no longer felt so uneasy in front of him. Well, I still did, but not that much.

"We gotta go." Al said and tried to smile at Mads.
"Yeah, me too. Nice talking to you again, Sofia. Bye." said Mads and after I said my goodbyes to him with a sweet smile, he went on his way.

It felt kind of sad, knowing I probably won't be able to talk to him again.

Al and I headed back to the reception. Although it was a completely different way than when we entered, with my sense of orientation, I preferred to leave it to Al.

"What's up with that Dane?"

When Al didn't get any answer from me, he continued.

"I could see him drool over you." Al said warningly, a little dejected.

"Al, please. We just bumped into each other. It was a coincidence and he was nice, he wanted to help me." I explained and we continued on our way.

"He should be cautious when he's around me." I just nodded.

For some unknown reason we didn't take take the elevator. Al then told me he wanted to show me some of the interiors of the agency. So we walked through all these big halls and corridors with numerous doors.

Then we saw a big line of people standing in front of some door. We came closer to it and I took a look on the sign next to the door.


Oh, some casting for a movie. That's interesting, I thought. Al told me that it's normal and most of the American actors are being auditioned here. We stood there and watched the people and then, out of nowhere, the doow flew open and a tiny man with black glasses appeared.

Oh my god, don't tell me it's Woody Allen.


Hi there! I know, I know... finally a new part!😅 Im sorry that it took me so long but I was kinda stuck with the story. But stay tuned and let me know in the comments if you like this part!
Love you guys and thank you all for the support! Hope you're all safe and healthy.❤️

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