4. am I dreaming?

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And I saw a man in black suit, with that goddamn sign with my name. Holy shit, thank god.
" Hello. Your name is Sofia, right?" he said, smirking. He could be around 30 years old and had black hair and blue eyes.
" Hey. Yes it is, I was looking for you all around here." I said as I was standing up.
" Yeah I'm really sorry, I couldnt find you. I am Alberto. Let's go, mister Pacino is already waiting for you. " He took my luggage and I returned his smile and followed him.
" You know, mister Pacino was really excited that you are coming here." he told me when we got outside of the airport. Thats so sweet. He was actually thinking about me.
" What are you talking about, Alberto?" I heard someone from behind me. No, it wasn't someone. It was him. It was Al Pacino himself.
We both turned around as we heard Al. Alberto just awkwardly smiled. AND... I saw him.
Im telling you, he is the sexiest man I've ever seen.
" Hi, I'm Al." he said to me and we shook our hands. He was wearing black pants, black leather blazer and black shirt, on top of it a black scarf. He was all black, just like me.
" Hello, I am Sofia." I was blushing so FUCKING hard. Our hands touched. Ooff. I was so excited. I felt those butterflies in my stomach already.
There were many people outside the airport. I saw how they were looking at Al. They recognized him really fast. But he tried to ignore the looks.
" Its really nice to meet you. How was your flight?" he asks me while we are going to his car and he puts his arms around my shoulders. Alberto walks next to Al.
" Nice to meet you too. Well it was... long and exhausting. But except for that it was good." I didnt wanna say that I was watching Scarface. I didnt want him to think that I was some kind of die hard fan. Even tho I definitely am.
"Im glad that everything went smoothly and that you are here. Now I wanna ask you... I was just thinking that maybe we can go to my house and talk for a bit, but I dont know if you're not too tired for that. Or maybe jetlagged." he said when we were almost in front of his car. It was a white big range rover.
It was supposed to be 5pm in Italy, but here in California was maybe around 10-11 am. I wasnt that tired. I was too excited to be tired. And I wanted to talk to him so bad.
" Uhmm. I dont know Im not that tired actually. Maybe we can go to your house, just to talk a little." I agreed with him and put on a playful grin. He was looking at me with these dark brown sexy eyes that I knew only from the screen. He returned me the smile. We were already in front of his car.
" Amazing. Alberto? " he was still smiling at me. It drove me crazy. Is there a chance that he really likes me? I wish!
" Yes sir?" he said with entertained smile.
" First thing, dont call me sir, you know I dont like it, just call me Al.And the second thing, thank you for your help, I think I wont need you now. " Thats the thing that I love about Al. He doesnt need to make himself extraordinary.
" Okay, Al. You're welcome. Sofia, it was nice to meet you!" Alberto smiled at me and shook my hand.
" It was nice to meet you too, Alberto. Thank you for saving my ass at the airport." I laughed.
" Hahah, anytime. Wish you two a beautiful day. Bye! " Alberto said and turned around.
"Bye and take care!" Al said and then opened the passenger seat door for me.
" Come on in." Al said and with his hand he showed me to get in.
" Thank you !" I blushed and got in there. He again returned my smile and then got my luggage to the trunk. I still couldnt belive it. It was really happening.

Hey guys! I know its probably a bit boring now... but dont worry, it will get better. and its gonna be steamy!😭❤️
so stay tuned ! next part soon!

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now