20. now you talking to me baby

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" Are you for real?" I looked him in the eyes with a grateful smile.
He still held my chin and caressed my bottom lip. His dark round eyes full of expectations stared at me.
" I am. It's gonna be a big oportunity for you."
he said with a crooked smile and stroked my cheek. Then he puckered his lips and had a drag on his cigarette again.

I took a moment just to look on his hands and appreciate them. I love how big and masculine they are. I also love the veins and little hair on them. His fingers were adorned with massive rings.

" Thank you so much Al." I breathed out with a genuine smile and took a puff of my cigarette.
His hand was still laid on my thigh.
He returned my smile, nodded his head and then patted me on the thigh.

"Babygirl, that's nothing." he said," I wanna make you happy today. Have you ever shopped on a Rodeo Drive?" he asked me with a playful grin and licked his teeth.
"How could I? " I laughed," No, never." I shook my head.
" Well, today you will. So go and get yourself ready." he said with a devil look in his eyes. I loved him.
" Al! You're kiddin'! " I smiled widely and immediately pressed his body against mine.
" We're gonna get you some nice dress." he encircled his hands around my body and stroked my back tenderly.


I got to my room and instantly went in front of my closet. What should I wear?
I wanna be cute but efortless.

After a long time of thinking about it, I chose a champagne satin shirt and black biker shorts. I also picked my vintage cat eye sun glasses and put on my nike airforces 1.

I didnt put on much makeup, I only applied a bit of mascara, concealer, blush and brushed my brows. Last but not least I applied a plumping lip gloss.

I went downstairs and I saw Meital and Olivia eating breakfast in the dining room. Thank god they didnt see me I dont wanna argue in the morning. I didnt see Al anywhere, so I thought he's maybe in his bedroom getting ready.

I went upstairs in front of the door of his bedroom and knocked on it. I didn't wait for his answer and came in. He was sitting on the bed with a black tshirt on and only in his boxers. He held his black pants in his right hand.

He looked so cute and vulnerable. I could also see how tired he is. Its so weird when you only know him from the screen, like a celebrity and then you can see he's just a normal person like the rest of us.

When he noticed me, he glanced at me. He smiled.
" Stunning. As always." he complimented me while showing off his flawless teeth by smiling widely.

I came closer and sat on the bed next to him.
" Thank you..." I said and returned his smile.
He put the pants on in a minute. Then he reached to his nightstand and took all of his rings, he put them on. I adored them.

" Look... I wanted to say sorry. At the club... I was shouting at you, calling you a whore...I didn't have any right to do that. You're not my property. " he said while looking me in my eyes," I know I got some anger issues but... That's just how I am." he told me and he held my hand.
" What do you remember from the last night?" he asked.
I raised my eyebrows," I remember everything. I wasn't that drunk." I smirked.
" Oh.. thats nice." he grinned kinda ironically," I would rather forget about some of the things I did. I was too rough on you..." he looked down. If only he knew.
"I don't wanna scare you... and I want you to know, that you are always safe with me."
I put my hand behind his neck and caressed him.
" I shouldn't have been that harsh. You're my little pussycat." he sounded just like Tony.
" Tony?" I smirked playfully and bit my lip.
" Now you talking to me baby, that I like." he said playfully with that Tony's heavy accent.
We both laughed.

"You better not do this." I said and gave him a mysterious look.
" Why?" he said amusedly.
" Because... Well...I always wanted to fuck Tony." I let the truth out.
He looked at me with that seductive spark in his eyes...

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now