12. what the fuck does that mean?

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I found a free table and sat down. I looked at the menu. I wanted some fucking meat I was hungry I could eat a horse. Just like Tony would say hehe.
The club was giving me Scarface vibes so much. If Al was there dressed as Tony, I would be in heaven.
I thought I should get some salad... So I got some salad with chicken breast. I also ordered prosecco.
I ate my food, finally! It was delicious. I paid 35$ and that was definitely a lot. In Italy that kind of food would cost idk maybe around 15$ even with the drink. But we're in ✨beverly hills✨.
After I paid I took a photo of the club and sent it to my bestie. I smiled and put the phone back in my little bag.
I finally wasn't starving, but I didnt wanna go home yet. I mean I was looking good and the makeup took me so long! I gotta have some more fun here.
But Al was still on my mind. Maybe that's why I went here. I wanted to get him out of my mind a bit. I can't fall in love with him even more... I should keep it on a professional level... After all, he invited me here for work, not for who I am or how do I look like.
I went to the bar again, I wanted to get some drinks.
I sat down on a bar stool and ordered whiskey. I got my drink and just looked around. I was kinda not in my own skin, on my own in a club. I never go to clubs alone.
Out of nowhere I felt a hand on my back. I turned my head and there was this guy. He had dark brown eyes, dark brown ringlet hair and juicy lips. He was young though, he could be around 20-25.
" Hey, are you okay? " he asked and sat next to me.
" Yeah? Why shouldn't I?" I answered him with a question and chuckled. He was kinda cute.
" You looked kinda lost and worried so, I just wanted to make sure." he said and grabbed a drink that he ordered. He didn't look like he's drunk or something. But he was definitely confident and knew what he was doing. His eyes were kinda narrowed and he had that look in his eyes. And a bad boy smile.

(he looked like this)

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(he looked like this)

That made me feel kinda safe. I guess I looked scared but I was only thinking about stuff haha. I always look pissed when I'm thinking about something.
But I noticed one thing... His accent was weird.
" Oh thank you. I'm on my own and for the first time here so... I'm just looking around." I smirked and finished my drink.
He noticed and ordered me another one.
" Thank you. Uhmm... You're not American, arent you?" I asked him.
" No, how do you know?" He laughed. " I'm from Italy, from Rome."
" Ma stai scherzando! " ( Are you kidding me?) I said and laughed because ...what a coincidence!
" No! Non mi sono nemmeno presentato a te, sono Brando." ( I didnt even introduce myself, I'm Brando.)
" Sono Sofia." (I'm Sofia.) I shook his hand. Then he got his drink and nodded.
" Cheers." he said.
So we had a couple of drinks and we were talking. I was already tipsy and when I'm tipsy I start to act like a hoe a bit. I mean I cant help it haha. It's a bad habit of mine and I try to change it but its hard. I just always get horny. And I mean my boyfriend haven't fucked me in a year and then I got Al teasing me today... I was just fucking horny and you can't blame me!hehe
We were leaning to each other more and more.
Brando grabbed a stray strand of my hair and put it behind my ear.
" Let's go dance." he said and grabbed my hand. (play the song to get in the atmosphere)
We danced together and our sweaty bodies rubbed against each other. I was teasing him a lot. I was shaking my ass against his cock and I know he loved it.
" Come with me." he said in my ear and again led me somewhere. I was laughing and didn't know what I was doing. He took me to the men's toilet. We got in the first cubicle and he closed the door.
" We're gonna have some fun." he smirked and took a small bag of white powder from his pocket. God, if I'm gonna do this, I won't be able to control myself. I knew that. But I still wanted it so bad. To be honest, I did coke some time ago. But I stopped and I don't wanna relapse...
" Fuck." I said knowing I wont resist.
He stared me in my eyes and licked his lips while he was prepairing the lines on his iPhone with his credit card. He prepaired 4 thick lines for us and handed me a hundred dollar bill. I made a roll out of it and gave it back to him.
He snorted the first big fat line. Right after that his face was full of bliss. Then he snorted the second line, sighed with satisfaction and wiped his nose. He handed me the roll and grinned. He stroked my thighs and slowly moved his hands up to my pussy.
I hesitated for a while but... it was stronger than me.
I snorted the first line. I sighed. Gosh I missed this so much. That bitter taste and the fucking great feeling. I just wanted to snort another one...
But suddenly the toilet door flew open. And guess who was there. Yes, Al. He was wearing that black leather coat and black shirt, black pants. He was so hot.
He furiously grabbed Brando by the collar of his white shirt and he saw red. His eyes were wide open.
" What the fuck you doing with her you cocksucker?" he yelled at him and angrily threw him to the ground.
I was just looking at him and I wanted to cry. Why was he like that?  Then he got to me. He grabbed me, got me out of the cubicle and pushed me hard against the wall.
" What's this huh?! So I leave for a minute and you immediately start whoring around?!" he said through gritted teeth.

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now