6. gotta love the family

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He led me to the living room. It was a spacious room with a glass wall that overlooked Al's garden. In the center was a large black leather sofa with a soft beige rug under it and a giant LED TV. There was also a lot of plants everywhere. I felt impressed and also very comfortable in there.
We continued to the kitchen and dining room. We were already on the corner and suddenly I saw someone there. Al led me on. It was his daughter.
" Oh hi daddy!"  she said and hurried to him. He had to let go of my waist and hugged her. I had to back off cause if not she would crash into me. What's wrong with her? Can she at least be a bit more careful?
" This is my youngest daughter, Olivia. She's gonna be 18 soon, so she's a bit younger than you." ( I know she's 19 now but I had to adjust it a bit ) he told me when she finally noticed me. I smiled at her.
" Hey, nice to meet y-" I wanted to shook her hand but she didnt even let me finish my sentence.
" Dad, who is she?" she interrupted me and turned to Al. She was for some reason pissed. I really dont know why. I was just standing there, feeling really awkward.
" This is my friend, Sofia. She's gonna live here with us for a few days, maybe. " Al said and gave me a significant look.
"She wants to be a model and I wanna help her with a career. She came here from Italy." he had a genuine smile on his face while looking at his daughter.
" And what about Meital? Does she know about that?" she said to him sharply with an irritated face. What's her problem? And Meital... I didnt know that she's still with Al. ( I know that irl she's not)
" Meital? What do you mean, what about Meital? Im sure she won't mind it." Al was getting a bit nervous and I wasn't surprised. So Meital lives here with him? Well that's gonna be fun.
Olivia turned around to me. She gave me a bad look.
" Olivia. Stop being mean to Sofia, this is not how I raised you." Al said with a serious face and he looked upset. She turned back to Al.
" It's your life, dad." she left the room pissed off and didnt even laid her eyes on me. Hahaha. Is this some kind of joke? How could she act like this? I stood there speechless. Al closed his eyes and smirked.
" Im sorry for her. I think she's a bit jealous. She really loves me and when she sees me with another girl, she gets upset." he explained and grabbed my right hand. Ugh. I love when he touches me.
" Thats okay... I get it. So I can stay at your place for some time?" I asked and put my left hand on his hand, which was holding my right one. Then I looked him in the eyes and smiled.
" Yes, you can, until we find you some nice apartment." He winked at me.
" You are so kind. How can I make it up to you?" I grinned. His eyes immediately lit up.
" You dont have to make it up to me."he started and tried to dont look too excited.
"Its my pleasure to help such a pretty girl like you. To help you make your dreams come true." he continued.
If he only knew, that he's my only dream.

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