14. so this is it?

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I was staring at his nose and lips. I was all over him.
" Whatchu lookin' at?" he smirked and looked at me shyly.
" On your... perfect nose." I responded and I felt relieved. I didn't know if he knows that I like him. Or more specifically, love him.
" It's not perfect. You are." he complimented me and I blushed so FUCKING HARD. Thank god it was dark so he couldn't see. I still didn't know if he's just being kind to me... Or if he really likes me.
" No, I'm not!" I laughed. "But thank you so much."
" Stop this, don't be so modest, honey. You know you look good." he said with serious face. He still had his hand resting on my thigh.
" You think so?" I asked with a teasing voice.
" Everybody in that club thought so." he avoided my question and turned his head to me. What a prick. Can't he just admit it? I mean... I think he likes me. Why would he touch my thigh if not?
After he said it, his hand slowly moved to my inner thighs. Whats wrong with him? He wanna play games with me or what? JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!
I sighed silently and looked at him. He licked his lips and smiled while looking on the road. His teeth are perfect... Without a single flaw. He knew what he was doing to me. He knew that I was horny as fuck. He was reminding me of Carlito because of the coat he wore, he was so hot. He also had a little stubble.
We were almost home. I already remember the way there a bit.
He moved his hand closer and closer to my pussy. He stroked my inner thighs in a circular motion... I was so turned on. I took a quick look at Al's crotch... I could see how hard he is. His cock was so thick... I wanted him up my throat.
When I saw it I slowly began to stroke Al's thigh too. He looked at me and raised his brow a bit.
Then I moved my hand to his dick  and grabbed  it quickly. He moaned, but still tried to concentrate on driving.
" You're so hard huh..." I said and closed my eyes while squeezing and stroking his cock.
" U-hm" he muttered and tilted his head back.
" What you want me to do with that?" I whispered.
" Oh baby... You exactly know what I want you to do." he grunted with his raspy voice and he slid his hand in my panties.
I moaned and squeezed my thighs together.
But unfortunately we were already in front of his house... He got his hand out of my panties and then... he got his fingers close to his nose and sniffed them. OH GOD. He was so sexy.
" You smell so yummy, pussycat."
Oh fuck. I thought my pussy's gonna explode.
" Why are you doing this to me." I sighed and closed my eyes again.
" Doing what?" he asked me, but he knew. He smirked and he had that undressing look in his eyes again.
" Forget about it..." I said sadly and kinda mad. The coke definitely did its job. I always had mood swings when coked up. I was mad at him. I mean why is he teasing me like that? He always teases me and then leave me hanging.
I got out of the car and didnt even wait for him.
" What's wrong?" he asked but I quickly went inside.
I went straight to my room. I undressed myself and went to bed.
I touched my body and imagined it was Al... I was so horny I just couldn't go to sleep. I squeezed my breasts and then I ran my hand over my belly to my pussy.

*knock knock*

The door opened and Al was there. When he saw me touching myself he closed the door. I stopped for a moment. He came to me, grabbed my chin and lifted it up so I looked straight in his eyes. His look was so intense.
" Why didn't you say it right away, huh? That you want me to fuck you." he whispered, didn't even wait for my answer and kissed me hard. I unbuttoned his shirt and ripped it off. I was offered a look at his masculine chest and his big shoulders. Immediately after that I knelt down and quickly unbuttoned his pants. I'll finally see his dick oh my god...

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now