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Its saturday today. I dont have any fucking classes so I have free time. But what am I gonna do anyways, everything is closed.
I went out of my house to check my mailbox. There were some aliexpress packages for me, so I took all of that out like I always do. I was expecting some jewelery so the packages were really small. I took it in and threw it on my table. Then I sat down to my bed again and was checking my instagram. When I was done I locked my phone and put it away. I was just looking all over my room and thinking. My mind was full of Al. His eyes...
Wait a minute. I was just looking on the packages again but I saw something different. I got up immediately and hurried to the table. I picked up the strange looking letter, knowing this definitely wasn't an aliexpress seller from China sending me some love letter.
I turned the envelope over and there was the adress. IT WAS THE SAME ONE I SENT THAT FAN MAIL TO. I was shook. I couldn't believe my eyes. This is not real, Sofia. No its not. You should probably see a doctor and get some glasses you blind bitch. NO ITS REALLY THE SAME ADRESS. My heart was beating so fast. I was still looking at the closed letter with head full of expectations. No, Sofia. This is probably just a generic letter that the studio sends to all of his fans. He definitely didnt even read your letter. Lets take a look.
I carefully opened it and took out the paper.
" Dear Sofia,
thank you for your letter. I seriously appreciate your kind words, it means a lot. I think that you are really intelligent and ambitious young woman and I would love to help you out. I loved the photos you sent me, so I showed them to my manager. Since I would like to get to know you personally and you said you wanted to be a model, we agreed on one thing... I sent you an airline ticket to America. I want to show you to some modeling agencies and we will see what happens next. If you agree with it, then please come to America. I will be waiting for you outside of the airport in my car. I have to send a man for you, he will wait inside of the airport with a sign and your name on it. He will get you to my car. I would love to wait inside of the airport for you, but people wouldn't leave me alone. Im sure you understand. I look forward to seeing you, my lovely Sofia.
Al Pacino"
Oh my. I have to be dreaming right? I am. OH NO
'MAMA IM GOING TO AMERICA' I yelled and ran to my mum.
I handed her the letter and took the airline ticket out. She was looking at me thinking I must be out of my mind. She started reading the letter.
" Oh my god Sofia you have to be kidding me...Im sorry to break it to you but you're not going anywhere." she told me with an upset look.
" What do you mean? Im an adult I can do whatever I wanna do." I told her a little pissed. I know that she's worried about me but there's no reason. It cannot be some scam I mean its the same adress! And who would buy the airline tickets just because of some sort of scam...
" Not as long as you live under my roof. If you wanna go there, go. Its your decision. But if you'll go, I never wanna see you in my house again. " she said with absolutely calm face, but I knew that she's really angry. More than ever.

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now