21. fairytale

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" Well uhh... you already did." he said with a wicked seductive smile.
" And I wanna do it again." I told him and I threw my leg over him and sat on him, pressing my pussy against his crotch. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

" Oh, look at you... so young yet so kinky." he said half breathed and grabbed my ass cheeks with both hands.

He pressed his crotch against my pussy hard and sighed with gritted teeth. I began to rub my pussy against his crotch moving back and forth. He unbuttoned my satin shirt and kissed me on my chest.

" Uhh...Al!" I let out a loud sigh.
" Oh baby..." he breathed out," we gotta stop this now. It's too risky, they're both home now." he said, short of breath.
"Okay." I got off of him, kinda pissed and sad.

I knew it was wrong... I was teasing him all the time. Poor Al. I stood up and buttoned my shirt.
" Don't be mad at me..." he was staring at me. I stood there showing my back to him, looking in the mirror on the wall. I could see he was checking out my ass. " Sofia."
I turned around and faced him, " Don't worry. I'm not mad at you. I understand you." I put a genuine smile on.

He stood up and came close to me. He grabbed my left hand and then with his right one he caressed my cheek gently while looking straight into my eyes.
" Come on." he said.


We were riding down the road, passing all the luxurious buildings I admired.
We talked about a lot of things, but nothing important.

When we got there, I was amazed.
We got out of the car and walked down the Rodeo Drive. There weren't many people out.
Al was talking to me, explaining and introducing me the surroundings.

" But you know, this is not a home to me

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" But you know, this is not a home to me... I always lived in New York." he glanced at me with a spark in his dark eyes.
I nodded my head slightly. " Visiting New York and Beverly Hills has always been my dream... And Rodeo Drive? " I laughed. " Every since I saw Pretty Woman I wanted to come here." I confessed with slightly embarassed smile.
" You like Pretty Woman?" he asked me.
" Yes. It's my favorite fairytale." we both chuckled.

" Well you're living it now. You're on the Rodeo Drive, there are luxurious and overpriced stores all around you and a wealthy man with deep pockets by your side." he giggled a bit, but still kept a serious face on," Isn't it a dream?" he asked me.

" Al..." I stopped and turned to face him," I'm so happy to be here with you. My whole world turned upside down the day I got your letter." we began to walk again.
" If you hadn't sent that fanmail, we would've never been here together. " he realised and looked me in my eyes.
" Crazy, right?" I said.
He shook his head," That's fucking crazy. Im glad you did it." he grabbed my hand.
I CANT BELIEVE IT HE GRABBED MY HAND. In front of everyone. But I didn't see any people staring at us, most of them just recognized Al but they didn't bother him.

Heeey babies! Im sorry it took me three days to upload but the time's flying so fast 😩 Im gonna try update more often.
Anyways, do you like this part? And what do you think Al's gonna choose? Family life and Meital, or a passionate romance with his young fan?

Stay tuned and you'll find out❤️

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