11. sassy

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The problem was-I dont have much money, I think all I have is 300$, these are all my savings. Yeah I know it's a little money but I've never worked in my entire life hahaha. I never tried to get a part time job or something.
But yeah back to the problem, I dont know any places here in Beverly Hills that isn't that fancy. Also I think that the taxi's gonna be really expensive. But you know your girl's gotta eat something.
So I went downstairs. I didnt even know if Al was home.
Downstairs I saw Meital, she watched the tv and was doing something on her phone. When she saw me, she examined me from head to toe and then chuckled. I ignored her and went to the other room. Kitchen and living room were empty, so I decided I should explore all rooms of the house- except for Olivia's room. No thank you.
I got to some room, I figured it's Al's office. And yeah, it was empty.
So in the whole house there was only me, Meital and Olivia.
I thought maybe we could go to dinner together, I mean me and Al, but I guess he has some appointment or something. Or maybe hr's with some other chick.
My heart actually kinda ached when I thought of this. I hope he's not.
I went to the living room again.
" Do you know where's Al?" I asked Meital.
" No. I thought you would know, when u let him fuck you." she answered.
" Girl, where have you left your confidence?" I smiled and got outside.
I grabbed my phone and found some taxi number. I dialed it.
" Hello? Can you get me a taxi to ......"
" Yes, taxi's gonna be there in a minute."
So I waited outside. There were no people on the streets, I dont know that from Italy. The houses around were huge, beautifully lit, and there were tall palm trees everywhere.
The taxi finally showed up and I got in the car.
" Hello, young lady. So where you wanna go?" he asked me the driver. He was young but I couldn't really see his face.
" Uhm... I don't know I wanted to ask you if you could please recommend me some place where I can eat but also get some drink and dance, maybe?" I asked.
"Oh. According to your apperance, I think I know a place."
" Okay, I'll leave it up to you." I smirked. I hope everything's gonna be fine.

After 10 minutes we got there. We were in front of a club that was called Bootsy Bellows.
" Thank you. How much is it?"
" It's 45$."
" Here you go." I handed him the money.
I got out of the car and then got in the club.
And let me tell you. I've never seen a prettier club!

 I've never seen a prettier club!

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I felt like I was in the Babylon club in Scarface! I loved it

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I felt like I was in the Babylon club in Scarface!
I loved it. I loved the purple and red lights, the neons and the 'retro' kind of look. In my town we don't have these kind of clubs, hell no. I was so grateful for that. I was happy that I got this oportunity and that I could be there.
When I came in, I saw a lot of people but the club wasnt full.
I walked around the bar, there was a bunch of some guys who immediately started looking at me and tried to talk to me.
" Oh hey shawty "
" Looking good babyyy, come here"
I wasn't paying attention to them. I just smiled at them and walked confidently on with my head held high. As I walked I swayed to the beat of loud music with my hips. I knew I was irresistible and and everybody in the club did too.

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now