19. important thing

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She just walked away and I could literally smell her anger.
I just rolled my eyes and looked at him.
Al just waved his hand to indicate that there was nothing he could do about it. And I knew that. She is just too jealous and he can't change that.
"What is it again?" I heard Meital calling from the bedroom. Al was still looking at me desperately. I knew he wanted to do something, but he didn't know what to choose.
Me, or Meital.
I just shook my head and grinned ironically and sadly at the same time.
I looked to the floor and just went to my room. Al just lightly slammed his fist into the wall next to the bedroom door and went back to the bedroom.

I sat down on my bed and opened the coffee. I was thinking. What are my plans for today? I wanna get the career moving. Al could take me to at least one of the agencies, as he promised. Because if it goes on like this here ... I guess I won't be able to stand it. I don't get him. If he loves Meital, why would he start something with me? And if he doesn't love her, why doesn't he just kick her out? But I understand that the media are involved in it too. It's better for him when the public thinks he has a long-term relationship.

I pulled one corner of my mouth up, creating a smirk on my face. Then I took a sip of my - OH WAIT, Olivia's - coffee. But something was still missing. Oh yeah, I know! Cigarette. I would love to smoke one now, even tho the last time I got cigarette in my mouth was a year ago.

Al will definitely have a cigar with him. Maybe I could ask him if he could give me some. But I didn't want to disturb him in the bedroom. Wait, why should I even care? I think it won't bother him. The one and only bothered person's gonna be Meital. Fuck her.

I got out of my room with a coffee still in my hand. I walked in front of the door of their bedroom and knocked on them. I heard steps coming closer to the door and silently hoped they were Al's.

Yeah, they were. Al opened the door and the minute he saw me a precious smile spread across his face.
"Uhmm I.... I wanted to ask, if you got some cigarettes?" I asked and grinned awkwardly.
He just nodded his head.


We sat on a little couch on the outdoor terrace overlooking the perfectly landscaped garden.
Al sat next to me in his white shirt and boxers

He took a cigarette out of the box and handed it to me. I stuck it hungrily on the edge of my lips. Al meanwhile took a lighter and stared at my lips, lighting a cigarette for me. I inhaled the cigarette smoke quickly and then exhaled slowly, it calmed me a bit. Al also pulled one out and lit it.

" Look, I have something important to tell you." He said and grabbed my thigh. I turned my head to him "Yeah, go on."
"You know, I have a meeting with Coppola and the others tonight about filming the Godfather 3. ( I know it was filmed in 1990 and he was 50 there ) Francis doesn't have all the actors selected yet, and he wants to tell us some details about the film." he puffed his cigar. God damn is he for real.
"I want you to go there with me. I would like to introduce you to everyone." he smiled and caressed the edge of my cheek with his finger. Then he grabbed my chin and placed a finger on my lower lip.

Hi guys! how are yall doing?
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I always get sad because I love hearing from you, your opinions etc.
Anyways stay tuned for new parts and thank you for your support. ❤️
Have a great day!

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