24. ew

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" We are having a dinner with Francis." Al said and came closer to her, touching her hips.

" You mean the one you told me about a week ago?" she replied with obvious worries in her face.
" Yes." Al nodded.

I just stood there pretending to look at something in my phone.

" Are you kidding? I wanted to go with you!" she sounded really disappointed, " Al, I begged you for it."
" I'm sorry Mei, but I promised Sofia that I'll take her." Al said carefully and caressed her cheek. I was sick of seeing it. The jealousy in me slowly began to escalate.

"So you're gonna choose her? Over me?" her voice sounded broken," you met her just yesterday..." her voice fell silent and she shook her head. Al had to comfort her.

"I'm gonna take you the next time. Don't worry darling." he stroked her hair," We're gonna be back soon." he kissed her.

At that moment I just turned around and let out an irritated sigh. I don't have to see this.

My stomach felt like it's literally having a party down there, that's on how disgusted I was.

When they're done, Al turned back to me and we were ready to go.

We got outside of the house and a black metallic limo was parked at the driveway. It immediately caught my eye.
" You like it?" Al asked with a confident smirk.
" Not bad." I said with serious voice and then looked at Al. When I saw his kinda surprised face I laughed at him. He laughed too.

" Hello Frank."Al greeted,"How are you?" he asked the driver of the limo, while he opened the door for us.
" Hello, Mr. Pacino! I'm good, thank you! How are you doing?" he answered with question.
" We're doing great, right darling?" he pouted his lips and put on that cocky grin of his.

As he grinned he slapped and pinched my butt. What a bastard!

I looked over my shoulder to him and raised my eyebrows. Who does he think he is? I was trying to look mad at him and a bit bored but on the inside I was excited. But actually I was a bit pissed, I mean he was kissing Meital JUST a while ago and the second we leave the house he tries to flirt with me. Well he really is aware of how good he looks like.

When we got in the limo and settled, Al immediately grabbed my bare thigh. I pretended to not look excited and I was looking out of the window.

" What's up with you baby?" he questioned with a curious smile.
" Nothing." I faked a slight smile.
" Oh come on, I know something's wrong. Even tho I only know you for 2 days now." he chuckled.
I smirked irritatedly.

" If it's because of Meital, then you know what I wanna do. I got it all planned. You don't gotta worry about it."

Hey guys!

Sorry I wasn't really active here, but there were so many things that had happened!
I hope you enjoyed your holidays and Happy New Year to all of you. ❤️

If u like this story, leave a comment or a star!
Also, are u excited about the dinner with Francis? What do you think's gonna happen?

Thank you for everything and stay tuned. 💝

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now