7. what do you mean

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" Make yourself comfortable here. Im gonna get us some drink and then I'll get your luggage and then show you your room." he let my hand go and went to the kitchen.
I sat down on the sofa and waited for Al. He came back with two glasses with ice in them and a bottle of whiskey. He put the glasses on the table and poured the liquor in them. He was giving me one so I stood up and took the drink. I was glad he brought it because I was so nervous from all that was happening.
" Let's drink to what the future holds for you... or for us." he said again with that thing in his eyes... I dont know what it was, but it drove me crazy. I nodded my head and threw the drink inside me. It was good. He swallowed it and then licked his lips. Why are you doing this to me! Its so hard to pretend I'm not all head over heels for him and to stay calm. I tried to keep my distance when we sat down on the sofa.
" Why dont you take that thing off?" he said and pointed on my blazer."It got so warm here. Come closer, dont be scared I'm not gonna bite you." Al said with a playful but charming grin on his face. Okay I heard Tony again... It was so weird I never thought I would really hear him say that. To me.
"Okay, I'm not scared." I smiled and moved closer to him.
" Yeah, you're such a good girl. Now we're gonna take this off..." he put his hands on my shoulders and he began to slowly take my blazer off. I felt so much sexual tension between us. I didnt know if he just genuinely tries to be nice and wants to make me feel comfy and relaxed or if he wants to fuck me.
"Uhm. Hello there?"
Fuck. That was Meital.
She was standing in the doorway with some gucci bag. Poor Al, he has to spoil her like that. Maybe he wants to.
When Al heard her, he wasn't surprised, and took the blazer off and put it on the sofa.
He smiled at her. Okay so I guess he didnt mean anything by this. Sofia, you should start thinking with your brain and not your pussy.
" Hello my darling. This is Sofia, a friend of mine." he said.
" Yeah, I know. Olivia already told me. Nice to meet you, Sofia. Im Meital." she put on a fake smile but I saw that she's not okay with me.
" Nice to meet you too!" I returned her fake smile. She's definitely not my fave. She moved to the kitchen and put the bag on a kitchen counter.
"Sofia's gonna stay here with us for some time. She's gonna become a succesful model, just look at her!" he looked at me and laughed.
I was shaking my head in disbelief and laughed too. We still kept that "intimate" eye contact with Al.
" Oh yeah, for sure. " she said with a cold tone in her voice. She turned around and got some water.
" Good... Sofia come on, I'm gonna get your luggage and show you your new room." Al said and took my blazer. We got up and went to his car again.

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now