8. its just you and me

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When Al got my luggage he led me to my room.
It was upstairs, and for some reason right next to Al's and Meital's bedroom. I hope the walls are thick. I also didnt have my own bathroom.
But the room itself looked really nice. There was a huge bed for two, big TV in front of the bed. On the right side there was a spacious closet and next to it was a desk. Walls were painted white and on one wall there was a mirror. It wasnt that luxurios but it was enough and I was glad.
" Its not that big but you'll be staying here only for a few days. Then I'll help you out with finding and furnishing the apartment." Al said and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I was in awe again. He looked at me.
" Thank you again..." I looked him in the eyes too."But I'm so embarrassed.. I need to make it up to you somehow, really." I said and stressfully bit my lip again.
" Baby you dont need to. We'll see how everything goes, but you don't owe me anything."
He was so kind. I couldnt believe it.
Then Al showed me the bathroom and after that he went downstairs. I unpacked my things and tried to settle down a bit. I was a bit tired and felt really uncomfortable in the tights. Maybe I should go take a bath to relax a bit.
So I took my black satin robe and went to the bathroom.
The bathroom was pretty big. I could take a quick shower or a long warm bath. I think I'm gonna choose the bath.
So I filled the whole tub up and undressed myself. Then I went in and enjoyed the hot water... I love that so much.
I was looking at my phone, checking my instagram. I had numerous calls and texts from my boyfriend. Ugh, it makes me so stressed. I didnt reply to anything and put the phone away.
I was so tired. My eyelids were slowly starting to fall... Just let me sleep for a while ughhh.. I breathed out.
Just when I was falling asleep, I heard something.
" No Al! This is not normal! Its not normal to bring home an 18 year old Italian girl and let her live here! For god's sake Al you are 57! She could be your daughter!" Meital yelled at Al...oh she is jealous? Poor girl.
" So I'm a bad person just because I'm trying to help out a young, talented and intelligent girl?" he wasnt yelling but I could tell by his voice that he's angry.
" You only think that you are helping her out! I know that you're doing it for something else. Ohh, talented? In what? Maybe in fucking cause she's too young to be good at something else!" she screamed at him again.
Well, she got some nerve. She always seemed like a bitch to me.
" And what you know about her, huh?! And if I wanna fuck her then Im gonna fuck her and its none of  your bussiness okay?!" he said, even more pissed than before. Ugh Al. I didnt know if he meant it or if it was only to shut her mouth.
"Ohh little Al, you're so naive. You think that young girl like her would fuck an old man like you? YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!" she laughed and yelled.
And then I heard uhmm...He hit her.
" YOU FUCKING WHORE!  THATS THE LAST TIME YOU TALKED TO ME LIKE THAT." he shouted at her. I heard her crying.
Well. I was out of words. I didnt know what to think about that.
But I wasn't scared of him... This anger... I loved it when he was like that. It was turning me on. I loved the way he's yelling. his voice. I sighed.
Then I heard footsteps, coming closer and closer to me. 
Somebody opened the door of the bathroom. I got scared that its Meital wanting to beat the shit out of me. But it was Al.
I immediately looked up at him. He didnt know I was there. When he saw me, he was surprised and embarassed. He instantly laid his eyes on my body. I wasnt even covering myself up.
" Ohh, I'm uh..." he stammered. " I didnt know you're here." he shut the door behind him and looked on the floor. Then he closed his eyes for a second. He turned red a bit.
I sighed again. I was really turned on and my pussy got wet just because he looked at me naked. He came closer...
I stood up and wanted to get out of the bathtub. But he was faster.
He came even closer to me... I was a bit higher than him, because I was still standing in the bathtub.
He looked up at me and started luring me to him again. I was so wet. I looked him deep in the eyes and opened my mouth out of excitement.
Then he grabbed my naked breasts and breathed out. He started to squeeze them and then he buried his head in my cleavage. He licked my nipples and played with them, staring deep into my eyes... I got so fucking horny. He was so passionate...

just go for it./al pacino,mads mikkelsen fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now