definitely, harry

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Harry walked back into the Gryffindor common room with a goofy grin pasted to his face. He waded through a few people, and he even hugged Seamus Finnegan, who apparently really needed a hug.

"Catherine," he exclaimed.

Catherine giggled and looked up from her books. Harry walked over and kissed her deeply. Catherine wrapped her hands around his neck to pull him down to her, which caused the two to tumble down on the floor of his dorm.

"I got the memory," Harry murmured.

"Good, now let's focus on something a bit more fun."

Harry quickly unbuttoned her oxford and threw it behind her. His hands nimbly unclasped her brassiere, which he sent falling to the ground next to them. His mouth then attacked her breasts in a series of sucking and nipping at all the right places.

Catherine tugged at the hem of his shirt and then sent it flying on his shoulder.

"Fuck, I've always wanted to fuck you in your uniform," muttered Harry.

Catherine laughed, "Please, don't let me stop you."

Harry pushed her stockings and knickers down her legs and onto the floor. Catherine liked this version of Harry. He was confident and overly eager; it was refreshing to see him like this.

Catherine unbuckled his belt swiftly before he pushed her down onto the floor.

"Do you need a pillow for your head?" Harry asked.

"Harry Potter, I'll be fine, just continue, please," begged Catherine. She did not want anything to interrupt them from what was going to happen next. She had been waiting nearly three months to shag him again.

After Harry pushed his underwear off, he lined his length with her entrance and pushed inside.

"Finally," moaned Catherine.

Harry's hips snapped against hers forcefully. His forearms rested on either side of her head as he stared deeply into her eyes. His lips then covered hers in an effort to not make too much sound.

Catherine felt the pain of the hardwood floor on her back, but she ignored it as he quickly brought his hand down to her clit. His thumb circled it as his pace picked up.

Harry then pulled away from her lips and started to suck on her neck just below her ear. Catherine didn't care who heard as she let out a loud moan.

She felt her release building up, and Harry somehow managed to go deeper in his thrust while his thumb's pace increased on her clit.

"I'm going to come, Harry," she gasped out.

Harry looked down at her so lovingly, she almost finished right then and there.

"I love you, Catherine Collins," he panted.

"I love you, too, Harry Potter."

With that, like a wave crashing against the shore, Catherine's release came rushing through her body. Her hips bucked uncontrollably against him as she felt him release into her.

Harry stayed like that for a minute and then slowly rolled off of her.

"Bloody hell," he muttered.

"Yeah, I really don't want to go another three months without shagging again."


The two of them laughed before Harry pulled her into his side. They laid on the hardwood floor panting for a little bit before their shallow breaths decreased.

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