the other poison

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January turned to February and with February came Valentine's Day. Catherine spent most of her time with the Slytherins, since her friendship with Draco had improved. However, he would often sneak off, and she had no idea what he was doing.

However, Catherine didn't concern herself with Harry's inquiries over where Draco had been going. Instead, she busied herself with potions, which had been her solace during this whole ordeal.

"Harry," Catherine laughed.

"Come on, we're going to be late," he grinned.

The two of them were rushing to potions after they had been snogging in a broom cupboard after their last class.

"Professor," Catherine greeted, trying to hide her smile.

Professor Slughorn looked over at the two with his usual spirited look that he reserved for his favorite interhouse couple.

"Oh, Catherine and Harry, I wonder what you two were doing to make you late for class," he chuckled. "Come in, come and sit."

The two of them parted ways. Catherine slid into her usual seat by Hermione. Speaking of which, Hermione had been sober since the party, and she and Draco had spoken only a few words in public. However, if they were trying to hide their relationship, they were doing a terrible job of it.

The two of them were always staring at each, or they were laughing at inside jokes. It made Catherine queasy just watching; it was like watching an accident: she just couldn't look away.

It was never going to work out, and they both knew that, too.

After class, Harry told Catherine he had to stay behind to talk to Slughorn, so Catherine quickly left. She hurried over to Pansy, and the girls began to discuss whatever gossip had been going around lately.

For Catherine, things had been significantly easier after she lost her dad. Harry didn't understand, but Draco did. He understood that because Catherine's father had already passed away, she now didn't have any familial members to protect. It was even easier to dissociate because it was her mother who had done it.

"Catherine," Ron called.

"Hello, Ronald, what can I do for you?" she asked as she dug into her pea soup. It had been even easier to start eating, unlike Draco. As the days went on, she was starting to notice that the only time he smiled was when he was with Granger. Other than that, he looked downright sickly.

"Er, Mum was wondering if you wanted to spend Easter holiday with us or if you're going to stay here with Harry?"

"Oh, I'm staying here with Harry, but I'll be there this summer holiday."

"Yeah, alright, this summer holiday is going to be brilliant. Pansy, Mum also said you and Blaise are welcome to come."

Pansy grinned, "Oh, we will. My house feels so empty."

"Brilliant, I'll see you lot later," Ron waved. His eyes wandered to Cho, who hadn't been giving him the time of day since the funeral.

He then sulked off to the Gryffindor common room.

"So, I was thinking this summer, we could take a holiday to Switzerland for a bit before Fleur's wedding," suggested Pansy.

"I wish I could," moaned Catherine. "But I have so much to do for Fleur's wedding since Arabella's getting back from her honeymoon only a week beforehand. I mean, who is Fleur going to trust to make decisions for her? Weaslette?"

"Blimey," Pansy wrinkled her nose. "That would be a mess if she did. Yeah, alright, then I guess we can do that next summer."

"Or during the winter?"

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