the happiest weasley season

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Christmas morning was quiet for Catherine. She woke up around nine o'clock in the morning to Fleur leaving to help with Christmas dinner.

"Morning," she yawned.

Fleur gave her a soft smile as she pulled her hair into a loose bun. She wore a simple blue sweater dress with stockings and a pair of boots.

"Good morning, Catherine. I'm being forced to help Molly with dinner; do you want to help?"

"No, I'm sure that Pansy will when she gets here, though. It's more of her thing to cook; I don't possess that talent."

Fleur giggled, "I would say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Anyway, I'll see you downstairs. I'll save you some treacle tart."

She kissed Catherine's cheek and waltzed out of the room. Catherine rolled back over and reached into her satchel. She extracted a book on Transfiguration and started to work on some of her homework. As she did that, Catherine sipped on some mint water.

Around nine, there was a knock on Catherine's door. She stood up and pulled on her robe before she opened it.

Harry stood opposite of her with a Gryffindor red hoodie on and a pair of black sweatpants. He was barefoot and looked slightly tired as he pulled on his glasses.

"Morning," he sheepishly grinned.

Catherine couldn't help the warm smile that encompassed her face.

"Good morning, Harry."

"I wanted to give you your present before everyone starts giving them out."

"Oh, alright, won't you come in?"

"Right," he awkwardly nodded.

Harry sat down on her bed with a nervous expression as she dug through one of her luggages that just had presents in it. She pulled out Harry's present and handed it to him.


Harry took the wrapped present and opened it. It revealed a photograph from the summer of Blaise, Pansy, Catherine, and himself. Blaise was kissing Pansy's cheek with an arm slung around her waist, and his other arm was hooked around Harry's neck.

Harry had his arm around Catherine as he looked down at her with a small smile on his lips. Catherine looked up at him beaming and glowing with summer's end in her hair.

"Thank you," he smiled up at her.

"There's a second part behind the frame," Catherine quietly said.

Harry opened up the back of the frame to see a handwritten note from a good number of people he knew.

Everything we love about Harry Potter:

Ginny: His bravery

Hermione: His kindness

Ron: He's my best mate, and he puts up with my eating without saying anything about it.

Pansy: He's Potter, what's there not to love?

Blaise: He's a wicked quidditch player.

Cho: His ability to love fiercely

Mrs./Mr. Weasley: He's a son to us, so we love everything about him.

Professor McGonagall: He's a good student like his mother, but he's always in trouble like his father. For those reasons, he's a wonderful boy.

Remus: His ability to go into daft situations with the only thought being that he's saving others.

Sirius: He reminds me of his father, and everyday I spend with him is a day I get my brother back.

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