harry, holidays, and perfect snogging

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Catherine found Hermione hidden behind the same curtain that she had been behind earlier.

"So, you were caught snogging Draco?" she drawled.

Hermione blushed, "Er, no, it was actually Astoria and him."

"You don't seem nearly as upset as I figured you would be."

"Oh, I was."

Catherine cocked an eyebrow in confusion. Hermione began to play with the hem of her dress as she stared passed Catherine. A light pink color played on her cheeks.


"Well, let's just say, I know that I deserve it," Hermione shrugged.

"You're absurd. I'm going to say this because apparently no one else will, but you and Draco are awful for each other."

Once again, Granger shrugged like it was an obvious truth. She twirled a curl absentmindedly on her finger.

"And tomorrow, I'll snog Eddie in front of him, and then he'll return the favor. And then we end up in a broom cupboard at midnight."

Catherine was now openly gaping at her. If someone had told her a year ago that Granger would say something like this, then she would have laughed in their face. Hermione looked so resigned and almost hopeful. It was sickening.

"Have you gone mad or something?"

"It's intoxicating," she sighed. "I dunno what's wrong with me, but I just crave him. I crave everything about it. I yearn for what you said the other day. We're in a war, Catherine. We're in a war, and I still hope in vain for the way he treats me."

"Were you hexed? Did Astoria give you a concussion?" Catherine asked, concerned.

Hermione only smiled with another shrug.

"No, I'm fine. It's just the truth, and I only just realized it. I mean, I'm realistic, Draco and I can never be together like you and Harry can. So, I suppose that I am just in resignation with that."

The blonde girl sat down next to Hermione before she frowned to herself. While she hadn't really thought about it, Hermione must be ill.

"Was seeing Sirius die that impactful on you?"

"I never saw him die, Catherine. I was quietly dying in the other room. I think if I had seen him die and known that it was because of Lucius Malfoy, then I probably wouldn't feel this way. However, I'm not repulsed by Draco like I should be, I suppose."

"You've gone batty, Granger. You don't understand how Draco will destroy you without any qualms. Or you do, and it just doesn't seem to bother you."

"It makes it real," Hermione whispered. "If it still hurts, then it's real. My biggest fear in war is that I will go numb. I don't want to go numb."

"Numbness is better than insanity," she quipped in return.

"Not really," the brunette shook her head.

Catherine was at a loss for words. Either Granger had gone mad or she was simply resigned to the toxicity of her relationship with Draco. Either way, she sounded like a loon.

"You know," giggled Hermione. "I so badly wished that I really fancied Eddie. He's sweet and kind; he treats me so well. He never questions my intentions nor does he plan my demise. He's perfect in every sense of the word: smart, good-looking, tall, and great at quidditch. Both Harry and Ron approve."

She laughed heartily again, but it was devoid of humor.

"But I don't want that, do I? I crave what Draco does because he's the opposite of everything I believe in. He challenges everything I say, and I constantly feel a need to prove myself to him. It's sad, but it's the truth. He doesn't treat me well; in fact, he treats me like the dirt on the bottom of his shoe. However, when no one is watching, Draco is a different person, which I'm sure you know, Catherine."

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