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welcome to book three of the slytherin princess series!!!

A few disclaimers:

1. Characters are not mine, and they all belong to Dobby, except for Catherine Collins, Erick Soots, Ryland Striker, and Arabella.

2. This is an inside look to the minds of the Slytherins during a Harry Potter book, which we do not see. However, they seem nicer or kinder, but it's supposed to show the side that Harry does not bring out.

3. These books will follow the order of the Harry Potter series.

4. Some events will differ with a new character in the mix. However, it is not supposed to "better" J.K. Rowling's writing; it's just a bit of a rewrite with new characters and events.

5. Also, there's a bit of a twist, and a beginning that we've all wondered about.

6. This book does involve Fleur, so the italicized texts are Fleur speaking in French!

7. This one will follow the movie more than the book this time, unless there are certain things from the book that I really cannot live without because HBP was one of the funniest movies of the series.

8. I am also going to include a trigger warning because there are depictions of depression and eating disorders in Catherine during this book.

Warnings: Some bad language and sexual scenes.



(chapters with heavy smut are not indicated, so read at your own risk)

The Slytherin Princess: Sixth Year

"With her beautiful looks and manipulative, cunning personality, she would make the perfect Slytherin."

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