all about catherine

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Catherine dabbed some potion underneath her eye to cover up the dark circles that were forming after another sleepless night. She ran a brush through her blonde hair weakly. Her strength was deteriorating from a lack of nutrition. She eyed her figure in the mirror to see her hip bones had become more prominent over the holiday.

Catherine tugged on a green v-neck jumper with a short denim skirt. She then deftly pulled on a pair of black kitten heels. She tucked her hair into a silver headband and smiled at her Slytherin appearance. Finally, she pulled out her potion that helped with her growling stomach and tiredness, and Catherine drank the whole bottle. At the start of summer, it had only been one or two swigs, but she now needed the whole bottle. Soon, she would have to brew more, which caused her to frown. Her luggage only held twenty more bottles.

Catherine glanced at her appearance one last time with a sad expression at the shell of a girl that stared back at her. However, she shoved her emotions down and headed downstairs.

Mrs. Weasley stood in the front room with several envelopes in her hand. She saw Hermione looking like she may be sick, and Ron looked particularly dreadful. Harry was otherwise occupied in thought.

"Good morning," Catherine sweetly greeted.

"Finally," Hermione huffed. "Can we see them now, please?"

Mrs. Weasley smiled, "Catherine, your OWL results have come in, dear."

Catherine nodded, and she took the outstretched envelope from her. Hermione was already tearing hers open with a fearful expression. Ron looked pained at his results, and Harry seemed calm with his results.

Catherine gingerly opened hers with shaking fingers that she knew weren't from the anticipation. She expected to care, but nowadays, she didn't care about much anymore. It was like the only things she could even fathom care for were Harry and the dead body.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination Results:

Pass Grades:


Exceeds Expectations(E)


Fail Grades:




Ms. Catherine Noel Collins has achieved:

Alchemy: O

Astronomy: O

Charms: O

Divination: E

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: O

History of Magic: O

Potions: O

Transfiguration: O


Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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