pretty in black

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The Hospital Wing was pure chaos when Catherine arrived. Harry was speaking to McGonagall about funeral preparations already, and he had urged Catherine to go to the Hospital Wing. He didn't want her to die because of a curse not being fixed properly.

She walked cautiously into the room. Blaise held her up, while Pansy and Daphne followed them inside.

On the first cot was Bill Weasley, his face was covered in cuts from Fenrir's attack. Fleur sat at his bedside along with the rest of his family. Molly was sobbing while looking down at him.

"And he was supposed to be married," she cried out.

Fleur turned around, and Catherine nearly laughed at her furious face.

"It would take more zan a werewolf to stop Bill from loving me," she shouted.

Molly looked clearly flustered at the French girl's comment.

"Well, yes, I'm sure, I thought perhaps - given how - how he -"

"You thought I would not weesh to marry 'im? Or per'aps you 'oped?"

Mrs. Weasley looked taken aback, but she nearly nodded like she was trying to stop herself.

"I do not care 'ow 'e looks. I love Bill, and I am good-looking enough for both of us. 'E's scares make 'im even more 'andsome and brave, I theenk," Fleur said, obstinately.

Molly burst into tears once again before she looked down at Fleur.

"Aunt Muriel has a crown that I believe will pair quite nicely with your dress. It's a family tradition to wear it, dear."

"Zank you."

Fleur's tender eyes once again looked down at Bill. She slowly moved his hair out of his face and ran her fingers along his cuts.

Catherine giggled and went to sit on the cot next to Bill. Pain ached through her body as she met Fleur's eyes. The girls shared a small smile as Catherine laid back into her pillow. Her eyes softly shut, and she allowed the pain to consume her into darkness once again.


Classes and exams were cancelled in the final weeks of school. The funeral of Albus Dumbledore was held within a week because they needed to correct the damage done to the corridors.

Catherine stood next to Harry at Dumbledore's funeral. She wore a nice black dress paired with a dark black cloak and pumps. She had fully recovered a day prior, and she had spent nearly everyday with Harry. The two of them stood there silently as they said goodbye to their Headmaster.

Harry cried into Catherine's shoulder as he watched their Headmaster's body be engulfed in flames. All that was left now was a white tomb that would be buried on the school's grounds like Dumbledore had requested.

Catherine soothingly held Harry's hand; her own body felt numb to the scene. She had been to two funerals this year alone, and she hated it.

Fleur wore a soft black orchid crown that allowed flower petals to fall down onto her exposed shoulders. She gripped Catherine's free hand and cried as well. Bill pulled her into his side with a single tear falling down his cheek.

The room felt bleak and even more empty with Draco's absence.

After he had gone up to the Astronomy Tower, he had fled with the rest of the Death Eaters and Snape. They had all left to go into hiding until Moldy Voldy gave them their next instructions.

After the attack, students had been leaving school without completing the year. The Patil sisters had already left along with Zacharias Smith. Seamus' mother wanted to collect him after the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, but Seamus made her stay in Hogsmeade until after the funeral. Dean and he would be staying at his house until the following year because Dean's parents were Muggles.

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