epilogue: the end of the train ride

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Catherine sat in serene silence. Her head rested on Harry's shoulder as she gazed out the window of the train car.

Across from the couple sat Pansy and Hermione. The two of them were in a passionate argument about a Muggle book called Pride and Prejudice. Daphne tried to interject her opinion, but the two girls would quickly overpower her. The three of them had formed a Muggle book club of sorts before they left for the holidays.

Ron and Blaise were playing a game of Exploding Snaps on the floor of the compartment. Ginny was currently fighting with Theo Nott, who had called her Gingey again. It did not go over well.

Catherine let the normalcy of these moments fill her completely because she knew what lies at the end of the train ride.

The war had begun, and she hoped and prayed she had chosen the right side.

When they all exited the train, nearly every Auror swarmed them. Catherine, Pansy, and Blaise were escorted to one side of the platform to take a portkey to the Weasleys with Fleur. She appeared to be blooming in delight over her impending nuptials.

Harry was with Mad-Eye and Shacklebolt, who were taking him a different route.

The other Weasleys were being escorted by their parents and various siblings.

Daphne was currently having a very saliva filled reunion with Fred Weasley while Angelina and George threw lemondrops at them.

Others that weren't part of the party were slipping away using apparation, and they were shooting a variety of curious or nervous glances toward Harry and the aurors.

Catherine sighed to herself as she watched Theo walk off alone. He pulled the hood of his cloak up and apparated back to his manor, where he would inevitably be met by darkness. She wished he would agree to come stay with her, but she knew his other loyalty lay with his father.

"Ready, Catherine?" asked Fleur.

Catherine took her friend's hand and met the other two's eyes.

"I'm ready."

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