kiss me, kiss me not

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Catherine smoothly avoided the Gryffindors until Defense Against the Dark Arts. She partnered herself off with Pansy, but Harry still sat next to her. She tried to pay attention to Snape's introduction, but she was far too busy thinking about what she wanted to do after class.

"Ms. Collins, I've seen that you have a particular talent with this expertise," Snape said.

Catherine's head shot up and nodded, unsure of what he was saying.

"Very well, Ms. Collins. Please, come up here; you will duel me for the class to see how nonverbal spells work."

Catherine stood up with a false air of confidence. He was a bloody professor; surely, she wouldn't stand a chance. However, he may be a Professor, she was much angrier right now.

Catherine extracted her wand and did the proper bowing technique.

"On my mark, we will aim to only disarm, Ms. Collins; nonverbal spells only."

"Of course, Professor."

"One, two, three."

Her hand flicked the disarming spell at Snape quickly, but he blocked it with ease. His own disarming spell flew at her, but she too blocked it. Well, Catherine was already doing better than she expected.

Snape gave away none of his movements with steady form and beady eyes, so Catherine had to improvise. She casted a quick stunning spell, and then she jabbed another disarming spell.

Snape looked mildly impressed as he blocked both with ease. He threw a quick disarming spell her way, which she ducked.

Catherine narrowed her eyes; she knew that deep down, she had a chance of winning. Her eyes drifted to a flower that was underneath Snape's desk; it was a simple lily that she knew he kept under there for each of his classes.

Catherine closed her eyes and blocked a spell of his before she turned to one of the students' desks. She transfigured their book into a lily, and Snape was shocked for only a moment before she twirled with ease and disarmed her professor.

Catherine calmly stood with his wand in her hand.

"I said to only disarm, Ms. Collins. You are to see me after class," he gritted. The room was silent, except for Ron Weasley. He was clapping loudly with a large smile on his face.

"Ten points from Gryffindor," sniped Snape.

Catherine returned to her desk with a peculiar expression on her face. Snape had everyone partner up, and Pansy stood across from Catherine. She tried to cast a jinx, but to no avail, it did not work.

"I dunno how you do it, Catherine," the girl shrugged.


Catherine pulled out her wand and pictured Pansy in a leg locked position, so she wordlessly performed the jinx.

Pansy squealed, "How do you do it so well?"

"Magic," Catherine giggled.

"Potter, that will be a detention," shouted Snape.

He stood up with a sneer on his face toward Harry, and everyone was told to go sit back down. Snape lectured for the rest of class. Once it ended, Catherine waited for him by his desk.

Snape stood slowly, and he placed his hands on his desk with a glare.

"Ms. Collins, you show a certain prowess in most subjects, except Divinations."

"Thank you, sir," Catherine nodded, a little shocked.

"I must ask, have you learned Occlumency?"

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