always be my catherine

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Catherine woke up the next morning around ten o'clock. She took a long bath before she dried her hair and let it fall down her back in a pin-straight style. She pulled on a corduroy brown skirt with a chunky white turtleneck and a pair of navy stockings. Catherine wore a simple pair of black ballet flats and a gold necklace.

Catherine stalked downstairs to find Cho in the drawing room with Pansy. She looked like she was going to be sick as she glanced down at the envelope in front of her.

"Cho, come on, you have to open it," coaxed Pansy.

"What if I failed the exam?"

Catherine sashayed into the room.

"Good morning."

"Cho won't open her results."

"Why not, Chang?"

Cho frowned, "What if I failed the exam? What if I get expelled from the program? Then all of my NEWTs classes will all be for nothing!"

"You'll be fine," reassured Pansy.

Blaise walked into the room and pulled Pansy into his lap.

"You'll be fine, Cho. You're smart, but you know that," he easily grinned.

She blushed but nodded and slowly pulled open the envelope.

"I can't look. Pansy, can you read it?"

"Sure, whatever," she laughed.

Pansy's eyes assessed the letter with a neutral look. Catherine sat down on the loveseat across from Cho, who was on the couch.

"You did it, Cho," squealed Pansy. "You passed in the top tier of the program."

Cho smiled widely and grabbed the letter; she shrieked in excitement.

"Oh, this is wonderful! I'm so excited. It says that as long as I pass my NEWTs with at least an E in all of them - except Potions and Charms because I need an O in those - then I will be offered a place at St. Mungo's as an in-training Healer at the end of the term."
"Congrats, Chang," Catherine lazily offered.

Cho smiled over at her, "Thank you, Catherine. So, when does Harry get here?"

"In about two hours."

"Fantastic, I can't wait to tell Ron!"

"And why's that?" taunted Pansy.

"Because he's my friend of course," she blushed.

"Right," drawled Blaise.

Cho rolled her eyes and fell back down on the couch to reread the letter. Pansy then stood up to get breakfast ready as Blaise began to read the Daily Prophet.

"So, Blaise, what do you plan to do after Hogwarts?" asked Cho.

"I'm hoping to be the Transfiguration professor," he replied.

"Really? I had you pegged as a Hogwarts governor or a figurehead at the Ministry."

"Actually, Pansy is the one that wants to be the first female Hogwarts governor," he proudly explained.

Pansy walked out of the kitchen with a smirk on her lips.

"Of course I do. I intend to make some changes in the school's curriculum that should cause a greater impact."

"Impressive," nodded Cho.

Pansy started to plate breakfast on the table. She had prepared pastries earlier that morning, and they were ready to be eaten.

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