the better half of it

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Catherine woke up early on Christmas Eve. She pulled her hair out of her face with an elastic before she settled down to read her letters that had been delivered that morning.


I would love to come to the Weasley's for Christmas! What do I wear? Is it formal?

Also, Blaise is wondering if he should bring spare quidditch materials, so the boys can play a match on Christmas.

I also can't wait to cook with Mrs. Weasley. Gin says that her food is amazing, would you mind asking for me?

Sending love from Blaise and I, and we will see you Christmas morning.


P.S. Is it alright if Cho comes as well? I think Ron may have kissed her last night, but I can't be sure. She's been locked up in her room all day.

Catherine hadn't received a letter from Pansy like this in a while, and she appreciated it. It reminded her of a time when she was owling Pansy while at the Diggory's. The nostalgia even caused her to giggle a little.

Her next letter was from Neville, which only caused her grin to broaden.


Hi! I'm sorry I'm only just now writing! I've been so busy with Gran.

We got a new selection of enchanted roses when I arrived back, and I'm so excited.

She's so proud of me for fighting at the Ministry and my wand being broken that she bought me these enchanted roses.

Anyway, I'll see you at St. Mungo's on Christmas Eve. You can bring Harry or any of them if you want. I know Gram will be excited if you do, and so will I, of course!


Neville Longbottom

Catherine pulled out her quill to write them both back.


Wear whatever you find comfortable. I'm sure Mrs. Weasley will be giving you a handmade Christmas jumper. Also, can you have Blaise owl Draco to see how he is? I'll explain when you get here tomorrow.

Cho is welcome to come, I'm sure Mrs. Weasley would love to see her. I'm just surprised her mum doesn't want to spend Christmas with her.

Anyway, Blaise can bring his extra quidditch stuff, the boys - especially my boy - would love that!

I can't wait to see you then.



P.S. Since when do you call Weaslette Gin?


I would love to see the roses you were given. Bring one later today? I'll see you around two o'clock at St. Mungo's.

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