10 things I hate about draco

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Harry and Catherine walked hand in hand the Three Broomsticks. The two were either oblivious or were purposefully being ignorant because every student that passed them was giving them odd stares. While some students had seen the pair hold hands and assumed they were dating, most of the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs hadn't and were quite shocked.

The two of them were placed in a booth in the back of the pub. Harry ordered them two butterbeers.

"So, any progress with Dumbledore?"

"Not really," sighed Harry. "I have another lesson with him tomorrow night."

"Do you think he'll teach you the Killing Curse?" Catherine hopefully asked.

He laughed, "I don't reckon he will. I already told you, Catherine, I can't do it."

"I know, I know," she grumbled.

"Here you go, kids," Madam Rosmerta cheered. She set their butterbeers down in front of them. They thanked her as she walked off.

Harry took a sip and racked his brain on what to talk to Catherine about. With Cho, they had snogged, shagged, and occasionally had conversations that were too little of no importance. Moreover, Catherine had dated Cedric, who had several girlfriends before her, so he only suspected that Catherine was used to dating olders guys.

"Er, how was your day?"

Catherine smirked, "Well, I had to deal with Daphne this morning, but other than that, it was fine. I suppose, yours?"


"Right, Harry, don't make this awkward, please."

Harry blushed, "Sorry. I just-"

"I know, but anyway, let's just try and do this normally. What's your favorite holiday?"

"Christmas, Mrs. Weasley makes the best Christmas jumpers. Ron hates them, but I love them. I've never had someone make me a gift before I met the Weasleys or ever give me a gift," he muttered.

She smiled wistfully. The memory of her green jumper that she received last year plagued her mind.

"When she gave me one, I nearly cried," laughed Catherine.

"They remind me of home, honestly."

"You're home is with the Weasleys, isn't?"

"Always has been, they treat me like their own. I used to think that my mum asked Mrs. Weasley to take care of me sometimes. It makes me feel better."

Harry looked down at his hands, suddenly feeling awkward.

"The truth is, no one has really ever liked me. No one ever asked if I wanted breakfast or what I wanted for my birthday. Mrs. Weasley never asked either, she just always knew."

"Everyone likes you, Harry. It's a bit annoying, really," she giggled. "I remember how Draco used to be so jealous of just how loved you are."

Harry smirked, "That makes me feel better."

"Good, so what's your favorite part of Hogwarts?"

"Well, Hogwarts is my home."

"Harry, are all your answers sappy?"

"Yes, they are," he teased. "My parents did die. I am overly emotional."

"And my ex-boyfriend died, do you see me moping?"

"Yes, you mope quite often actually."

Catherine laughed, "You're right. I'm out on a date with you just so I can burst into tears and ask about his last words."

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