the fuck-up plan

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Catherine rushed back to the corridor of Dumbledore's office to retrieve Blaise, Pansy, and Daphne. The three of them were waiting for her when she got there. Daphne was looking around with wild eyes like she had just seen death.

"Draco just came by," Blaise nearly shouted. His eyes mirrored Daphne's, and his heart appeared to be racing out of his shirt.

"What did he say?" Catherine asked.

"It's time, Cat," Pansy calmly responded. "It's time to go to war; the Death Eaters are coming."

The air appeared to leave Catherine's lungs upon listening to her best friend's words. She nodded and cleared her mind for a moment.

"Pansy, Blaise, go to my dormitory. We need the trunk of potions; there should be a good amount of Wide-Eye, Invigorating, and Polyjuice. Bring all of those here," Catherine began.

She then turned to Daphne, who appeared to find her calmness.

"Daph, we need to get the others. I think Lovegood is with Neville. We can get Granger to summon them; Blaise, I need you to get the supplies and be back in Gryffindor Tower within the next ten minutes, alright?"

"We've got this," Pansy assured. "I don't feel like dancing with Death Eaters for the rest of my time at Hogwarts."

"Also, Pansy, Blaise, you both need to transfigure your appearances before you arrive back. Our families are at risk otherwise. Where is Astoria?"

"She's with Theo in the common room," Blaise said.

"See if Theo is coming to fight," Catherine went on. "Get Astoria into the sixth year girls' dormitory and lock her inside. We don't need her coming to intercede on Draco's behalf."

"Alright," Pansy nodded. "Go, we've got this. Get the bloody lions ready."

Daphne grabbed Catherine's hand and then Pansy's.

"Who would have thought that us Slytherins would be fighting on the side of the light?" she laughed.

Catherine grinned, "We always want to have fun, right?"

"Got to get our kicks somewhere, eh?" mocked Pansy.

The three girls hugged quickly before Catherine shot Blaise a meaningful look. He only nodded before taking Pansy and running toward the dungeons.

"Come on, Harry needs us," said Daphne. "And we're not going to be cowards about it."

The two girls sprinted up to Gryffindor Tower.

"Hermione," shouted Catherine.

The bushy haired witch whirled around. Her caramel eyes looked particularly scared, but she replaced it with her usual brave bullshit.

"Has the Order been contacted?"

"Yes, Ginny was able to get in touch with her mother; the Order will be here in the next few minutes. Fleur sends her love by the way," she said.

"Alright, Blaise and Pansy are retrieving potions. Hermione, you need to contact the DA, but I need you to come with me first."

"Alright," she nodded. "Ron, I've called the others, wait for them here. Cho, are you good to go?"

"Yes, I think I should be fine," the girl responded. Cho tugged her hair into a high ponytail and pulled off her jumper to reveal a plain red t-shirt.

"It's time to go to war," Cho declared. "Harry needs us."

"Yes, enough of the dramatics. Granger, let's go."

Hermione tugged off her cloak that she was wearing and pulled her bushy hair back into a bun. Catherine waved her wand over her body to correct her appearance into the one from the Battle of the Ministry.

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