author's note

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this one took me forever to write, and the fourth one should be up soon. I think that one may be a bit longer. it's also going to be from a different perspective

things to expect in the next book:

neville raising the army

a new romance for theo because yeah

more ginny, pansy, hermione, daphne, and catherine girl power group

more blaise and theo antics with an angsty draco hehe

and more good guy slytherin stuff!!

anyway, thank you guys so much for your reads!! I really appreciate them, and I love when y'all comment. it makes my day just a bit more brighter!!!

also, I needed to apologize for not putting Blaise as the right skin color. 

honestly, his character had so little screen time that I actually accepted the former actor I had playing him as cannon because of old fanfics I read. But i've corrected it now, and I promise not to do that again.

I'm very sorry if this offended anyone. I did not mean any harm by it; it was simply a blunder on my part. 

anyway, here's a few clarifications if anything that didn't make sense:

1. what was going on with Hermione and Draco?

I think that we often forget that Hermione nearly died in the Battle of the Ministry, and I wanted to kind of open up a way that she could have coped with it. Also, I did this by having her and Draco both cope unhealthily. Often in Harry Potter, the author portrays kids as perfectly accepting of death and its consequences. They never seem to cope in anyway beside doing more homework or reading. 

personally, I think that's unrealistic, so I try and show a more realistic perspective. 

furthermore, I hope to explain their relationship in full in a spin off I'm writing about their very toxic relationship. i'll probably start releasing chapters along with slytherin princess 4. it's going to be called "veritaserum."

ron/cho will also have a spin off called "episkey"

and theo and his love interest will have one as well called "crucio."

2. Voldemort? 

so, I decided to really play up his insanity that was not nearly talked about enough in the movies. I think it'll be interesting to see how Tom Riddle explains his need to have a kid with pure blood and a talent for wandless magic. it'll be further explained in the fourth one.

3.  Will Catherine start becoming a better person?

she often claims she is, but this next book will be her true rising from the ashes tail. she's going to have a definite change of character, and it'll be more noticeable. 

4. also fun fact:

all of the chapters are based on romcoms' names

so, they seem odd, but I kinda just made them for the story haha(:

5. This is less of a question, but why are important events from the book not explained in detail?

well, catherine is not the most reliable narrator. she obviously doesn't have all the facts, so she often doesn't include parts of the story that need to be put in.

anyway, thank you guys so much for reads and comments, and I'll see y'all in the next book!!

much love, 


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