one party and a funeral

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It was a quiet Thursday evening in the Slytherin common room. A fire roared quietly and filled the usually cold room with warmth. Catherine sat at a desk as she wrote a letter back to Fleur.

After the events at the Weasleys over the holiday, Fleur had decided to move her dress fittings to right after term ended. Catherine had temporarily forgotten about it, but she was excited at the prospect of a mid-war wedding. It was oddly romantic, and she was excited to help Fleur.

However, today was an inherently terrible day. For Catherine, some would say it was to be the worst of her life. Yet, she didn't know that until Professor Snape arrived in the common room.

"Ms. Collins," he pleasantly greeted. His greeting of a grim smile should have been enough that Catherine knew something bad was happening.

"Please, come with me. The Headmaster wishes to speak to you."

"Of course," Catherine easily replied. She pushed her things into her bag before she slung it over her shoulder and followed her Head of House.

Snape walked quietly and quickly with her trailing behind. He refused to make eye contact with her as they arrived at the gargoyle statue.

After he whispered the password, Snape beckoned her up the stairs. Professor Dumbledore sat at his desk with Minister Scrimgeour across from him.

"Hello, Headmaster, you wished to see me. Hello, Minister," Catherine smiled.

"Ms. Collins, please take a seat," Dumbledore swept his hand at a chair across from him. Catherine sat down and crossed her legs.

"Catherine dear, I hope you are well," Scrimgeour said. "I unfortunately come with bad news."

"What's happened?" she asked. Her mind racked with possibilities. She knew the Order knew of her brother, but they knew little else about her.

Was she finally getting arrested or questioned for killing Lestrange? Catherine adjusted her Occlumency shields so that they significantly greatened. It wasn't a crime if there's no body nor proof.

"Your father, unfortunately, has been killed," Dumbledore gently said.

Catherine's jaw dropped as she stared at the old man in shocked silence. There was no way that her father was dead; it just wasn't possible.

"By whom, may I ask?" she whispered.

"Your mother, actually," the Minister replied evenly.

"My mother?" Catherine gawked. "But why?"

"Ms. Collins, I'm sorry, but you're a smart witch. I'm sure you can answer that for yourself," the Minister responded.

Catherine's gaze fell down to her hands. She looked up with a vulnerable expression.

"Did he leave a will?"

"Yes," smiled Dumbledore. "It will be read tomorrow after his funeral. You will be excused from classes during this time. Is there anyone you would like with you?"

"Erm, Pansy, Blaise, Theo, and, erm, Draco, if that is possible? I would also like Ron, Harry, and Cho excused as well for the funeral but not the will reading."

He nodded, "I can arrange that. Professor Snape will be in charge of travel, have any of you passed your apparation test during from fall term?"

Catherine slowly nodded, "Myself, Pansy, and Cho are all certified to apparate on our own."

"Very well, I believe Mr. Nott as well, correct?"

"Oh, erm, yes, will we need an escort from the Ministry, too, because Potter will be there?"

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